First Time Growing


Well-Known Member
ok, I looked under the leaf again. i see a little big crawling around! I now know what it is. Next thing what kinda bug is it. It looks almost round. Do Russets look like worms?


Well-Known Member
ok, I looked under the leaf again. i see a little big crawling around! I now know what it is. Next thing what kinda bug is it. It looks almost round. Do Russets look like worms?
Google what are russet mites
Then google two spotted mite
Look at the pics


Well-Known Member
First figure out what you have.
If you can see it without a scope i doubt its a russet mite.

Maybe just regular spider mites


Well-Known Member
Honestly, I love These Fourms Without i'd Be so lost. I have so many Question's Even if they are Dumb or not dumb. Only way im gonna learn
I get help here constantly even after being here for years. Soooooo much to learn.

Anyway on the mites there are many ways to go.
Again this is just what I have done in the past.

Take the plants out from under the light and spray neem oil on them, under the leafs, on top of leafs and soil too, spray the entire plant.
You can use a bit of dawn dish soap as a surfactant.
(google it if you arent clear)

I did it every three days for 9 days.

I bombed the room every three days
For 9 days.

You have to break up the breeding cycle.

But to be honest im not current on the best way so do some research unless someone shows up here to help


Well-Known Member
Perfect that's exactly what I bought
be careful, and read up on how to apply it and not burn your plants. i see a lot of noobs asking "what is wrong with my plant?" followed by "well i sprayed it with neem oil yesterday." there are things to consider before doing it, like what time is best (lights on or off, or just about to come on, or just about to go off). should i spray it off later? how strong should i mix it up? should my humidity be in a certain range when spraying, etc.. i'm just trying to look out for you, i've burned my plants before with neem oil, but there IS a right way to do it. i know lowering your garden temp, and waiting longer between watering will help reduce bugs and also make your plants happier because they like a wet/ almost dry cycle between watering. there is a lot to learn, and i am too still learning, and have a long way to go. i just like there forums for the help you can get, if you ask the right way and can admit when you're wrong, it can go a long way to getting you the answers you seek, and it goes a long way towards making everyone here better gardeners