First time growing in card board box


Well-Known Member
I am not being funny but the time you took to read his post and posting 4 times you may as well have offered advice. He is newbie I suppose you just always knew how to grow and never made mistakes.

edit** did not see your reply on the second page so that makes it 5 times.
Let's go for 6, but for you this time: the answers to these questions can be found very easily all day long looking on google. But I'll go ahead and leave now and let you all answer the questions that come from someone too lazy to search for themselves.


Well-Known Member
Don't use the carboard box unless u are using cfls and every part of the inside needs to be covered in non flammable reflective material.I remember my first indoor grow in a cardboard box and 5 gallon bucket,the plant out grew the box plus the heat was almost unbearable


Active Member
Let's go for 6, but for you this time: the answers to these questions can be found very easily all day long looking on google. But I'll go ahead and leave now and let you all answer the questions that come from someone too lazy to search for themselves.
A forum is a communications platform and I feel that he is talking to the comunity.

Yes you can search for the info, you can also search for it on another site other than rollitup.

The reason I come here is to bounce ideas and to ask questions. Now if I was this guy and this was my first experience after asking a question I would think people on this forum are not very friendly and probably not ask another question again.

All the answers to every single question anyone is asking on this site has been asked before and there is a answer for it. So maybe if we follow your advice the whole site should be shut and only opened as a wikipedia type library where you can only do searches for the information.

I get your point, really I do. But the dude is a noob. There is a level of "I did not know I could do a search" or "oops maybe I should have searched" in that. The point is he stated in his first post he has watched vids etc, so he has obviously tried to get some info but it makes more sense when you speak to a real person. IMHO