First time grower

Dilan R Wertz

Active Member
Hey guys this is my 1st grow and I started these at different times. I just had a couple questions, one being the bigger plant there's 2 spots where the leaves look like its bent.. And the small one I noticed that the stem started leaning a bit. It was straight up and down and now after today it's kind of leaning a bit. I rotated them around and haven't watered in a couple days. Just wanted to see what you guys input is. ThanksIMAG0432.jpg IMAG0431.jpg
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Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Water with a hand spray bottle at this point. Give them a spritz every other day or so. Lift up on the cups to determine the weight when well hydrated and water them when they start to feel light.
The leaves are fine; they look normal. Get a small fan blowing them around a bit to fatten up the stems. Fill in around the base with more soil for support if they don't right themselves. If those stems stretch out much longer lower the T5 a bit closer or better yet veg them under an hid which will help grow tight internodes.

Dilan R Wertz

Active Member
Water with a hand spray bottle at this point. Give them a spritz every other day or so. Lift up on the cups to determine the weight when well hydrated and water them when they start to feel light.
The leaves are fine; they look normal. Get a small fan blowing them around a bit to fatten up the stems. Fill in around the base with more soil for support if they don't right themselves. If those stems stretch out much longer lower the T5 a bit closer or better yet veg them under an hid which will help grow tight internodes.
Ok. Yeah Ive got a fan on and I filled in around the big one once. And then I put it under the light. It stretched a bit at first but not now. I'm gonna be transplanting the big one in a week or so. And the small one just sprouted yesterday and it's been under the light the whole time. Just wondering why the stem just kind of curled over to one side but not like falling over. And tomorrow I'm ordering a 400 watt mh. All I have how other than the t5 is a 250 hps

Dilan R Wertz

Active Member
You have drain holes in those cups right?
Oh yeah. On the bottom and a couple on the sides. I filled in with some dirt around the little one.
I got some water and a little dirt right in the middle of all the sets of leaves. Got most of it off but just a little on there won't hurt anything will it?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't sweat that. Just make sure you're not over watering, less water and make sure they dry out a little before the next watering.