First time grower :)


Thanks. Started the 3 that you see here in red solo cups with the crappiest soil I have ever seen in my life. They sprouted and the seedlings started to wilt so I took a chance and got them from the cups to 8 inch pots they are in now with FFOF mixed 40 percent perlite. They have since done great. I fimmed the one in top pic and left the others. I just started lst on them and will eventually scrog them. The 5 I started in the red solos seen are doing much better with the FFOF from the start. Once I get the 3 older ones in flower, I am going to build a separate veg box for the ones in the cups. I was worried about the possibility of males, so I had to start some more as a plan b. Here are the 5 that sprouted 4 days ago. Looking good to me so far.

