First-time grower. Q's re: pH, Mg, etc. Pics incl.


So here's my scenario. I'm a first-time grower. I planted three seeds in early August, and they're pretty big (girth) but squat. From the looks of the plants' leaves, they're a form of Afghani/Indica. I'm not too concerned about this part. For information's sake, I have them under a HPS 600w bulb in an excellent 5x5 tent (Driso). I have used Foxfarm's Ocean Forest soil and have been using the Foxfarm line of fertilizers. They just went into the 12/12 light cycle.

Now down to the issue(s): About 4 days ago I noticed the leaves curling and other symptoms of a magnesium deficiency, and the plants also had a high pH level (appx. 7.9). I went out and got some good low pH water (pH level of 5.5) and added 2 tbsp. plant-grade Epsom salts to a gallon and watered each with a quart of water. The pH lowered to 6.5, and the Mg brought the plants back to normal (unfortunately, I don't have 'before' photos). However, since then the pH level keeps on rising during the no-light cycle. Today dawn came, and the pH was at an 8. I know the tricks to lower the pH (vinegar, phosphoric acid, etc.), and it lowers immediately following applying the remedy. But does this mean there's possibly chelation or something else happening. The soil is fairly moist, so I hesitate to add any more liquid to the soil. Which is more important: a good pH level or moderate moisture?

Oh, and if you see any more clues or things I haven't noticed, please feel free to let me know. I think these plants are doing pretty well otherwise. And I want to keep them that way.

Thanks. :leaf::leaf::leaf:

[You may see a sativa plant in these photos, too. But just ignore that plant for now. She's a rescue.]



a good ph for fox farms ocean forest is 6.2-6.8. its on their website
Yes. I read that, too. I can get it to 6.5, but I just don't know how the hell to get it to stay there. I mean it raises in hours. I'm totally lost. If you know how to keep it there... :?:

Thanks, though. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
i've seen a few growers say that malt vinegar is a bit better for holding the ph down
haven't tried it, but some swear by it


New Member
Yes. I read that, too. I can get it to 6.5, but I just don't know how the hell to get it to stay there. I mean it raises in hours. I'm totally lost. If you know how to keep it there... :?:

Thanks, though. :leaf:
what if u put a buffer in the water,,,,then water it


Thanks, growone & moash, for the malt vinegar and buffer advice. :) I will put both to use and see what happens.