First time grower, please diagnose my plants? I need help!

Hello everyone, I'm a first time grower and I have planted both of these plants on the 25th of December and did a pot transplant on January 7th. I have a 75watt cfl and 2 25watt cfls on them and they have been growing for 24 days now. I have the lights on all day and I try and water them no more than 2-3 days apart. The soil i used was a miraclegrow potting mix recommended by one of my experienced growing buddies. One of them is really small but is growing and the other, it is fairly sizable and the leaves are curling over, I'm not sure why these things are happening. I look at everyone else's plants at this age and they are huge and growing pretty rapidly and mine are the size that they are. Please help me out. Any tips, questions, advice, criticism is very much welcomed! I have do not know what type of bud it is, indica or sativa, I was hoping to figure that out a little ways into the growing. Pictures are attached below. Thanks in advance for all the feedback. And if you have the knowledge can you also tell me what I should be expecting and what i should go out and get for the next month or two of growing. I have no clue what i am doing. I will be up checking this thing all night so expect a quick response!



Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, I'm a first time grower and I have planted both of these plants on the 25th of December and did a pot transplant on January 7th. I have a 75watt cfl and 2 25watt cfls on them and they have been growing for 24 days now. I have the lights on all day and I try and water them no more than 2-3 days apart. The soil i used was a miraclegrow potting mix recommended by one of my experienced growing buddies. One of them is really small but is growing and the other, it is fairly sizable and the leaves are curling over, I'm not sure why these things are happening. I look at everyone else's plants at this age and they are huge and growing pretty rapidly and mine are the size that they are. Please help me out. Any tips, questions, advice, criticism is very much welcomed! I have do not know what type of bud it is, indica or sativa, I was hoping to figure that out a little ways into the growing. Pictures are attached below. Thanks in advance for all the feedback. And if you have the knowledge can you also tell me what I should be expecting and what i should go out and get for the next month or two of growing. I have no clue what i am doing. I will be up checking this thing all night so expect a quick response!

Hows it going with these?