First time grower needs help!


Hey their, I have never tried this before, but here it goes, my space is 3feet, by 2feet, by ten feet high, Im thinking of using CFL lights with aluminum for the walls. It is in my closest and I wont be able to put an exhaust in it, just a fan. I am planning on using soil to grow, Im thinking around 3 or 4 plants, and to try to get the as tall as i can for maximum yield. Im just wondering if anyone has any tips, suggestions, thoughts, and also if anyone knew what I could expect using CFL lights and with 4 plants, (northern lights #5) and (green crack) and (nebula) and (hashplant) how much I could expect for a yield growing them as tall as I can. Any and all tips are welcome. PLZ help me!!


Well-Known Member
well i will just tell you what i know from my experience with cfls. first off though you progably shouldnt be using alum foil. it creates hot spots and can burn your plants. even though i have used it before without any problems. just thought id warn you, better safe than sorry i always say. i had two plants, that got about 3-4 feet tall. got about half an ounce off one plant and about 23 grams off the other, so almost an ounce. cfls work just fine. especially for a new grower. my plants also got cut down early because they hermied and were growing too many pollic sacs. so i just cut them down. so hope that gives you an idea of yield with cfls. ive got some kush going now and im using 11 cfls in there. all i have is a fan too. im actually having trouble with heat right now because its getting hot outside here now that summer is here, i dont have an air conditioner and my closet is upstairs so its hot all day up there. and even those low heat cfls are causing heat probs. what im gonna do is switch the lights on schedule so they are on at night when its cooler. idk what else to say there is way to much. message me if you have any more questions, always glad to help.