First time Grower Need ideas


I just want to start off by saying thank you for stopping by and hope you hang around to give me some useful information.

Hey this is going to be my first real time trying to grow high yields. Im going to have an entire room 10' x 12'. I want to go with the most efficient setup. I'm on a budget, but i know if i want to produce great quality then I'm going to have to spend some money.

Only concern:
1. Odor control

I was wanting to use:
1. 4' x 8' x 7' Grow Tent
2. Carbon Scrubber
3. T5 lighting system
4. Digital Timers
5. Digital Ballast

What i need help is figuring out what type of hydroponics system would be best for this amount of room and be able to veg. and flower by splitting the tent.

Please help me figure out what system would be the best.


Well-Known Member
If you have a room you can control the light in then you don't need to split your tent. Flower in the tent and veg in the room.
If you are not familiar with hydro then I would recommend you go with rapid rooter cubes to start them in and then plant them in hydroton. Other methods of hydroponics like DWC (growing in water) or aeroponics (growing in air) are not very forgiving if you make a mistake.
Drip system in hydroton or fill and drain would be my suggestion for you. Water once a day for 30 min.