First time grower..~Advice needed.


Active Member
I have a 2x7x7 basement space for a new growroom. I am a first timer and want to do this as a hobby! Read the site and love it. So much info on this site.Well i tried geminating seeds before and all but never continued due to not having right space and lightsing and etc..
So now that i have some free time and sucks to pay to smoke so decided to start a new hobby other than smoking:sleep:
Please give me any advice if i missed anything please. Just a first timer, not trying to grow a killer farm YET.
Going to be using experimental cheap equips.
AK48 and NL and MazarxAfgan strains. NL since its easy and forgiving first timer strains(i heard) and AK48 since i never heard of it.LOL only heard of ak47 and its bombing. And mazar since it was free.Will be geminaiting 3 of each soon.
Germ in paper towel and plant them in FF ocean soil after into 4 gallon pots.18/6 lightsings with 9 CFLS in 3 different sockets.Cool Blue or 6500k color..?Right? Will veg 4~5 weeks depending on size. If flowering room is ready ill try to clone few strong looking plants if not ill just use this room but with a 300~400 watt ballast with HPS bulb for flowering. After i find out the sexes ill throw away the males and flower the females for 12/12 cycle for 7~9 weeks or until ready...Plan to use filtered water with FF nutes.Do i need to keep the ph 6.3~6.8? Temps will be tried to kept between 65~85f..
.Saying it is so easy...:roll:
Any advice is welcomed please.

Heres my checklist so far. Bought most of them with *
Seeds=$80 NL+AK48 *
Pots=$20 4 GALLON POTS*
pH meter=$20? ANY WATER METER
pH up and downs=$10? ANY UP AND DOWN SOLUTION
thermometer=$10? TEMP+HUMID CHECKER
humid checker=$10? TEMP+HUMID CHECKER
Wall paper and eye shields=Mylar gift wraps GOT WHITE PLAING PAPERS..
white wraps. =$30?

AIR VENT*$30~$100

So now my question is air circulation. Odor isnt a issue to me so cross that.
I was wondering since the grow room has zero vent in the room except a door and the door wouldnt be opened. It wouldnt be getting any air going in and out. I will be having two small fans blowing in a path direction to the door but is that enough? I cant leave the door opened and if i do i can only do it once a day or so for hr or so.

Sorry for such a long bad grammar writing..I am excited and hope to make this experience a good thing for my future grows.
So if done right and with this setup what am i lookig at per plant in yeild wise in those 3 strains?

Thanks ahead.! and thank you for al the info on this site.!


Active Member
Think u need more air circulation cuz it is important. Maybe cut out a hole in the door and add an intake fan. If ur lights produce too much heat, that will definitely stress the plants. As for yeild, it depends on how big n well u grow. expect at least 2 ounces per plant. thats how much i got on my first harvest of NL n Jack. Just remember to read up about growin n don't over care 4 ur plants cuz that'll just kill them. Watch em grow but don't keep on messin wit them. Best of luck. this hobby is more addictive than smokin.


Well-Known Member
you will need fresh air. For two reasons. one: running lights makes lots of heat. two: the plant needs fresh air as much as it needs light.


Active Member
Im probably gonna try to set the timer up for light when i can crack the door open at least a bit. Heat shouldnt be an issues since im only going to be using CFLS for veging and will probably do something before i flower and get a HPS ballast in there. Fan is not an option yet since im working on a bigger room and door needs to stay "stealth". This is just a test and hopfully i enjoy it.
Find a way to get fresh air in your closet.Plants need fresh air not hot stale air also it helps to have fans on your plants to stregthen up the stems


Well-Known Member
I see several light timers at Lowes for only 10-20$. Just thought I would throw that out there :P. Going to pick myself up one today.


Active Member
Thanks guys!
Well since i need air and i cant leave the door opened 24/7 and the walls of the room are BRICK so no holes can be made unless i make a hole in the door which i dont wanna do since im having a bigger grow room soon with vents and air.
So for this test time ill probably be leaving the door cracked open and fans circulating during light stage. Maybe leave it opened few hrs or so. Than cclose the door during light off time with no light leaks. I just hope it makes it nicly thru the veging stage since i think ill have the flower room ready with airr/vents within a month or so.


Well-Known Member
Your inside walls are made of brick. lol you got a hell of a house. Do live you in the out back of mexico?
you ar going to need some good air flow to keep a room cool with a 400w hps...i would do the work now for air dont want to be working on your room in the middle of a grow!!


Active Member
Ill be using this closed shut brick space just for veg. stage and ill move them in about a month later to my other room thats preparenig. Its just a part of my house where bricks are places under a hollow area where NOBODY knows it exisit cuz i took a brick out and replaced it with a stealth kinda door so yea..LOL
Also this room will be CFLS only. Probably like 12~16 of them.
