First Time Grow


Well-Known Member
This is my first time grow. I am using 9 26watt cfl and 4 fluorescent tubes above them. let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
Looking good man. I have had relative luck with CPF. I woud have gotten better yields if not for mistakes I made. Chck the link in my sig. Good luck man. Can't wait to see some buds forming.


Well-Known Member
Well i have to flower them now. My mom found them and wanted them gone. My brother got another one right next to it maybe you see his thread. Thats his.


Well-Known Member
damn 48 that is a shit ton i bet his electric bill is through the roof. Naw my mom cool with smoking she just don't want them growing in her house she was cool about it she could have just ripped them right out.


Well-Known Member
Try to lay off the Nitrogen when you flwr. Use a fert that has a little more Phosphate in it. Only use a little at a time though. Bette to under fert than to over fert.

To make the bud really dense go get a $45 dollar HPS from Home depote/lowes in the outdoor lighting section. They are 70-75 watts. Not nearly as much Lumens as like a 250-400 watter but you will see crazy growth and density when you use it in conjunction with your CFL. Plus they don't get that hot and the power consumption woudn't even be noticed.


Well-Known Member
But sometimes during the flowering stretch the plant will need a little nitrogen so make sure to look for signs of N def. when stretching.


Well-Known Member
It comes with it man. all in one little 1ft by 1ft by 1ft box. It will have an oraange glow on the box anf it will say 70watt High Pressure Sodium.