First time grow in hydro

I have a indoor hydro system going. Iv heard you can yield around 1/4 pound per plant, but how long do they need to be in the vegatative stage? And I have a 48 sun bblaze T5 high output flourescent fixture.


Well-Known Member
Pete, I have T5's and unless you are a good bit better than me I wouldn't expect 1/4 pound per plant. I like the lights but, they don't have a great deal of penetration to the lower limbs. It will in part depend on what you are growing but, I wouldn't veg more than 9-12 inches before you go to 12/12.
Ow.douglas, thanks for the information. Im growing NYC Deisel and Bluberry. So your slayings within 9-12 inches ill get 1/2 pound per plant?
And Im using Liquid Karma, Pure Blend Pro Grow, and Cal Mag as nutriants, as well as setting the correct ph. And I keep them from 70-75 degrees.
Ohh, alright. I see. But if I still flower them with the T5's how much could I get? And I am investing in an LED light.
-Again, thanks for the information.


Well-Known Member
get an HID, whether it is MH, HPS, or CMH, you wont reach your full yield potential with the other lights.

and i am not bashing the other lights, but they dont have the penetration that HID has, so your plants will more than likely never yield their full potential. good luck.

oh, set your goal at an OZ per plant. you will be more happily rewarded this way.


Well-Known Member
if you are going to invest all that money in lights , why not just get a HID light and grow smoe dense bud . You are not going to get the yields you are looking for with the floresent lights and an LED .
Ohh, alright. I see. But if I still flower them with the T5's how much could I get? And I am investing in an LED light.
-Again, thanks for the information.
Gumball, Thanks, so HID is the way to go.. what about lights for the veg? And how long should I veg? My plants have been in veg for a month and they are around 15 inches.


Well-Known Member
the T5's would be great for vegg , but for flower you will want at least a 600W HPS for some nice nugs . Some will tell you to 1000W but that is more heat to deal with . I grew the plant in my avatar ( sour diesel ) with my 600W HPS on my first grow . I got Three ozs dry off that plant .


Well-Known Member
HO T5's are good for veg, but a 400 or 600 HPS would be great for flower. If you can run an MH or CMH for veg that would be even better but it isn't necessary.


Well-Known Member
I vegged that plant for three weeks to 18" in heighth . I vegged with a 400W MH and then I switched to 600 HPS for flower .


So Peter Boston,
I am assuming you grew from seed? If seed they will need to be in veg growth longer than clones. I think they need at least 8 weeks in veg 24 hour before you switch to 12/12. The longer they are in veg growth the better they will flower, but I am talking about from seed. Cloning is different in that they are genetically older.
Dadio161, I want to get at least 3oz. out of mine. There 16 inches now and leaving them in veg for maybe another month, flowering them with the same light because I don't have money for the HID lights. Witch im planning on getting.


Is this your first time growing inside? You probably should check the preflower set to determine sex, cull your males and give your females more time in veg growth. Once you have clones you can put them in 12/12 sooner because the plant is more mature. I wouldn't worry about how much your plants will produce at this stage. Granted your choice in seeds are very good but if you don't grow your plants in optimum conditions they will never be as good as their potential could be. Work on getting better lights. But you have heard that already, sorry.


Well-Known Member
3 to 4 weeks veg time, and 1000w lamps for veg and flower, and I get a QP per plant on average. Some a little more some a little less. With anything that doesnt say "1000w" dont expect similar results. People bitch about upgrades, but think -- the $300 you can get the bulb/reflector/ballast/timer for shipped from eBay will yield substantially more. You'll get it back on the first harvest.

Good luck!