First time grow and post plz help :)


This is my first post so please be nice :). I am growing a White Shark plant under a 300 watt dual spectrum CFL. I know alot of people say these lights are no good but the plant is growing very well. but it has some burn marks on the bottom leaves, and the bottom leaves only, so it's not from the light being to close as it's about 3-4 inches away from the top. Iv used MG All Purpose at half strenth for the nutes. Could this be nute burn? Or maybe PH is to high or to low or something else lol. I also have some Big Bud nutes for flowering from Advance Nutrients I want to know when I should start to use them. Ok so I was going to end it there but I can't upload a photo on my phone lol. I'm going to say more about these brun marks as that's the whole reason I stated this post :) so the very tip of the bottom leaves have gone yellow and there are some small black maks and some bigger on the bottom leaves and they have started to change colour a bit. The rest of the plant is nice and healthy and is just over half a foot tall at 4 weeks it has big fan leaves almost the size of my hand. Thanks to any1 that's posts I'm sorry for the terrible grammar and spelling its not my best subject haha :) x

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Pictures or NOONE will be able to help you.
Im not giving any tips cause it could be about 100 things..

I can say something, and you do it.. but all in all its making it worse.


the first picture is the plant at 3 weeks as you can see it is growing very well. the next pic is at 4 weeks and it has started to get black spots on the bottom leaves and they have turned yellow. IMG_0315.jpgIMG_0326.jpgIMG_0327.jpg