First Time Grow. Am I Ready To Harvest?

Hey all, any help or advice is appreciated. I'm growing in rockwool cubes and hydroton, feeding flora nutrients, with a 2000 watt LED light, 3 plants stain is Chrystal. 9 weeks since I switched to 12/12. Trichomes differ from each plant. I'd say it's about 70milky/30glass on one and maybe 50/50 on the other two. How long should I flush for given it's soiless, when should I start flushing? And most of all are they ready to go? Thanks for any help!!









Well-Known Member
Too many white pistils .... pistil color changes as calyx matures . Lower N and ride out .
Forget looking at triches on leaf .... they mature faster.

I would say about 2 weeks ... however you can force finish by dropping schedule to say 10/14 instead of 12/12.
It tricks plant into thinking winter is fast approaching and will push the flowers.

either way about that same amount. You can start to lighten the feed ( ween ) and let plant consume reserves it already has stored .

nice plant tho.