First time grow, 14 wks in, HELP please!!!


Well-Known Member
14 weeks in you mightest get rid of them bro. they are too small for that size and its bald no big leaves to store nutrients.

My opinion....file it under "g" and start over! What you going to get from that plant? Gauranteed you pay more for hydro, than what you get from that skinny little bitch! Lol
good luck!


Well-Known Member
keep in mind they have 100% natural organic nutes.
i use them because i have to smoke my shit. and well i dont eat snthetic food i dont know why my plants would.
but dude you should take into account everyones note on nutes.
you need them
unless you really want to waste 70-100 days on growing an eighth.
Synthetic food = Processed Food ? No?

So you don't drink any soft drinks or eat Jam or burgers, Sausages, or use Salt or any condiments etc etc .... Just raw organic foods in their original form. That's a healthy way to live dude. Nice.


Well-Known Member
idk whos concerned about what im eating other than mobieus. and why anyone else cares to hear it. i have not a flying fucking clue.

not to mention it wasnt me who said anything about hydros i grow soil.
Then why mention in it ? LOL?

keep in mind they have 100% natural organic nutes.
i use them because i have to smoke my shit. and well i dont eat snthetic food i dont know why my plants would.
but dude you should take into account everyones note on nutes.
you need them
unless you really want to waste 70-100 days on growing an eighth.


Well-Known Member
I just didnt know what you meant by 'snthetic' food. and I congratulated you for living all organic. Whats your problem?

Synthetic food = Processed Food ? No?

So you don't drink any soft drinks or eat Jam or burgers, Sausages, or use Salt or any condiments etc etc .... Just raw organic foods in their original form. That's a healthy way to live dude. Nice.


Well-Known Member
not good my friend.

Dont let it discourage you, we all started with things like that hell, mine were far worse.

Keep it up & you will get better.

Good luck!

Hey all, just wondering if I can get some feedback on my two babies I got out on the balcony. Nrth side for am sun, sth side for pm. Thanx for any and all comments pertaining my plants.later


well he just wasting time he get some fresh ones and do it again. practice makes perfect. but first timer or not. dont tell him what he wants to hear and tell him what is really going and get going on a better batch. no knocking here bro. some of us been there and i'm one of them. dont waste time. dont cheat your self treat your self.
my plants have been flowering and im using 15-30-15 that i got from rona, there like 3 feet tall and it says to use 35ml per 1L. is that what i should be using?


Well-Known Member
my plants have been flowering and im using 15-30-15 that i got from rona, there like 3 feet tall and it says to use 35ml per 1L. is that what i should be using?
Ive no experience of the brand or the NPK ratio. but ....... Wowzers ... 35ml per L ???

Are you certain now??

With the brands I use past and present .. I NEVER use no more than 5ml per Litre (Full strength) ... EVER


Well-Known Member
whatever dude, got no interest in debating the merits of organic over chem. theres already thousands a pages about that on here.