First Time gowing in Grow Tent


Well-Known Member
Well I just put my Grow tent up.I've never grew in a tent before.This is day two.I'm using the tent as my flowering room.I'm flowering two mother plants that have been replaced.The on on the left is Euforia and the one on the right is B-52.Temps are a bit of a challenge but overall I'm liking what i see so far.I'll be posting pics every other day or so.There's some pics of some clones and new babies growing under 4 foot fluorescents in a closet.The nutes i use.Ventilation.:shock:......:weed:



Well-Known Member
Well its been a couple days I'll post some pics tomorrow.I've been having issue with temps and humidity.Gurls still green but been getting droopy on me during the evening(two days in a row).I started venting my hoods with cold air and switched my light cycle to night time so high temps wont be an issue.I know this might cause some stress but better a lil stress till they adjust to the cycle rather than heat issues everyday.


Well-Known Member
Well my gurls are looking happy!! humidity levels are up to 52% high and lows of 31%.Temps at 79 degrees high and lows of 71.My seedlings are doing great and my clones are starting to root nicely.......I had given up a little on some of the clones but kept them around and they just started to come around.It's been like three and a half weeks.
Turkster you think my lights are inadequate for my two plants??Its a 430 Super Agro..........Maybe get another???I was thinking bout getting another 400 hps when my other gurls are ready but thought I'd be good till then??Well there's some pics.I kinda rigged the hood until I get my lazy ass up and go buy the adapters...(working Great so far)



Well-Known Member
A lil help...... I have my timer to go off three times daily intervals of 30 minutes one at 6am one at 2pm and the last at 10pm My lights turn on at 10pm and turn off at 10am.One of my nutrient cycles is when the light is off.Should I have all the cycles when lights are on or just leave it how it is????Does it make a difference???


Active Member
I have a hut too. Getting ready to finish, my problem i had was keeping air flow when its dark, so watch that !!!!!!!!!!!keep an intake i had a hepa filter outside the tent and rigged to a 6 inch intake keep on med ,and your exhaust running on low... That will help.... Good luck doing way better than i did....


Well-Known Member
Well I posted a thread yesterday on If combining hps with fluorescent lighting would work and/or is a good idea...nobody opposed my idea so I went on ahead and threw 2 4foot fluorescent fixtures with a warm white and cool white on each fixture....I wanted to add more light without the heat of an HID light..Here's some pics.........any opinions????? I'm open for criticism and any facts :idea:



Well-Known Member
Day 11 since I put my Two mothers into flowering.Euforia (On the left) is showing more hairs than B-52 at this point.This is my first time growing both strains.B-52 is more sativa and smells sweeter Euforia is also more sativa but not as sweet smelling and wasn't as tall as b-52.I bent branches and tied some down on the B-52 to keep both plants at the around the same height.I topped both plants 6 days ago.Removed a lot of the lower branches and cloned some new babies.I started giving them cO2 three times a day.I just switched to Pro Blend Pro Bloom....... they are still in the transition cycle,In about a 8-10 days I will switch to regular strenght Pure Blend Pro Bloom, Cal Mag,and liquid Karma.Here's some pic of the gurls ,5 clones and 7 babies from seed.


Well-Known Member
Nah just spaced out a temps are perfect lows of 70 and highs of 77.I'll post some pics tonight.....I gotta run and refill my Co2 tank just ran out last night. Thanx for stopping through peeps


Well-Known Member
Well it's Flowering Day 14........ check out these gurls they are getting hairy......can't wait :bigjoint:.My temps been great lows of 71 and highs of 78-79 .Co2 three times a day 15 minutes intervals.I play some music for three hours when lights are on.Everything is looking pretty good :-P.The 7 clones are growing fast.The 7 seedlings....(the ones in rockwool cubes) are doing great.Check out my homemade top feed..:lol:..I got tired of buying drip stakes.Well here's some some more in a few days......:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Looking super good buddy. i been leaning towards a nice tent like that apose to using another full bedroom.. anyways keep it up dude keep them pictures coming.


Well-Known Member
Thanx.......the tent is great....I have my veg room in a closet and the tent is set up in the same room.........I'm going to buy another tent and set up in the same room so I can have a perpetual harvest of about 1 month.I bought my tent at Ebay for $120