First time failure


Hey,hi,what up and all that other good stuff anyaway if you haven't already figured it out I'm new to the forums And growing. I decide to grow some bud about two weeks Ago. The only problem is I just found this forum today and just realized that I screwed up big time, so like any moron who dosent do research before decideing to grow I just got a Handful of seeds and put them in some first mistake but the seeds did grow in three days they sprouted about fifteen of them the problem here is their all in one pot...My second mistake. So now I'm just clueless and don't know what to do should I try to transplant them and how should I do it or should I just call it quits and start from scratch?
I'll post some pics when I get home tomorrow if needed.


New Member
Hey,hi,what up and all that other good stuff anyaway if you haven't already figured it out I'm new to the forums And growing. I decide to grow some bud about two weeks Ago. The only problem is I just found this forum today and just realized that I screwed up big time, so like any moron who dosent do research before decideing to grow I just got a Handful of seeds and put them in some first mistake but the seeds did grow in three days they sprouted about fifteen of them the problem here is their all in one pot...My second mistake. So now I'm just clueless and don't know what to do should I try to transplant them and how should I do it or should I just call it quits and start from scratch?
I'll post some pics when I get home tomorrow if needed.
i would leave all the plants together and transplant to something more suitable for that...then weed out the males when the time comes


Well-Known Member
Hey,hi,what up and all that other good stuff anyaway if you haven't already figured it out I'm new to the forums And growing. I decide to grow some bud about two weeks Ago. The only problem is I just found this forum today and just realized that I screwed up big time, so like any moron who dosent do research before decideing to grow I just got a Handful of seeds and put them in some first mistake but the seeds did grow in three days they sprouted about fifteen of them the problem here is their all in one pot...My second mistake. So now I'm just clueless and don't know what to do should I try to transplant them and how should I do it or should I just call it quits and start from scratch?
I'll post some pics when I get home tomorrow if needed.
If they're that new, I'd try to transplant them. . . just be careful w/ the roots. Plant them in some good soil that doens't have a ton of nutrients. You can learn more along the way but having them all together isn't going to help anything.

Read, read, read. There is a lot of information that you must absorb in a short amount of time. If you put in the time to really find out about growing you'll do alright (not great!) but alright. Not sure if anyone does great on their first try.

Growing weed isn't for a hard stoner. Lot's of time, dedication, and commitment goes into it. If you're not willing to put a little (or a lot) into it, you won't get a lot out of it.

In this case, time = a lot of extra $$.


Well-Known Member
i would leave all the plants together and transplant to something more suitable for that...then weed out the males when the time comes
Oooh, I guess we have some opposing viewpoints. That's why I love this site. It requires you to review a lot and weed out what you think will work best for you.

Good Luck with your grow man!


New Member
Oooh, I guess we have some opposing viewpoints. That's why I love this site. It requires you to review a lot and weed out what you think will work best for you.

Good Luck with your grow man!
i say that cuz they r already growing together....y jepordize them knowing that the roots r tangled up.....he knows better next time


Well-Known Member
I did my first grow in doors using a lamp, grow tent and an auto feeder (water drip system). My firstgrow went really really well to be honest. I read loads of info first but even then i was learning throughout the grow.

Research in this order my friend:

1. Learn about how to correctly germinate
2. Learn about the correct PH of the water and how to adjust it (I maintained my PH at around 5.8 - 6)
3. Learn about nutes and if your in soil (which i think you are) about the types of soil
4. Learn about lighting and the amount of light
5. Learn about how to identify males from females. You don;t want males (you can;t smoke em)
6. Finally leanr about harvesting

I know it seems pretty complicated at first but it really isn't once you have picked up all the basic info.

I'm sure your first grow will be a success. As for where you are right now, I would very carefully transfer the individual plants in to their own pots./


Well-Known Member
Just last wewk I had two plants growing within the same rockwool cube. They would about 9 weeks old. Splitting them was no real issue, just be very gentle and pull them apart. I knw it seems scary but plants are pretty tought you know, you can do it


Active Member
Get them out now no ifs, ands, or buts about it!! If you don't they will kill each other fighting for space and nutrients!!! Put them each in there own seperate pots


Well-Known Member
i say that cuz they r already growing together....y jepordize them knowing that the roots r tangled up.....he knows better next time
That's like assuming that federal health care will work before you have all the facts. He/she didn't say anything about the roots, or even that they roots had been looked at.

Let's assume everything is going to okay, before we take a negative path and assume that someone screwed it up.

The easiest answer is usually the easiest but doesnt' that explain why we have some many people on welfare here in the U.S. instead of working hard and striving to get ahead on your own?


Well-Known Member
That's like assuming that federal health care will work before you have all the facts. He/she didn't say anything about the roots, or even that they roots had been looked at.

Let's assume everything is going to okay, before we take a negative path and assume that someone screwed it up.

The easiest answer is usually the easiest but doesnt' that explain why we have some many people on welfare here in the U.S. instead of working hard and striving to get ahead on your own?
Wow! A ton of typos! I apologize for that, but I've had a few drinks.

Hard to argue a point when you can't even spell correctly.


remember a few holes in the bottom of a solo cup if u don't have much cash works well for one plant till Thar ready to transfer than let your dirt get some what dry and they slide right out and u don't even hert the roots that's how i do mine


Dam I really screwed my first time growing up I'm kinda worried about trying to transplant them because like I said fifteen of them did grow but some were still growing so basically the roots are bound to be tangled but I'm not sure yet I did plant them a fair distance away from each other hope it's not to late to do this thing correctly If I can save atleast three of them I'll be happy with that o and thanks to everyone who responded for the advice


Well-Known Member
Think of it this way. . .. would you rather have 15 illegal immigrants living in a one room apartment where one of them will eventually kill all of them except him/her self or would you rather kill half of them trying to move them each into a separate apartment so they all have room to live freely without one of them commiting homicide on the other 14.


New Member
That's like assuming that federal health care will work before you have all the facts. He/she didn't say anything about the roots, or even that they roots had been looked at.

Let's assume everything is going to okay, before we take a negative path and assume that someone screwed it up.

The easiest answer is usually the easiest but doesnt' that explain why we have some many people on welfare here in the U.S. instead of working hard and striving to get ahead on your own?
he said he had 15 plants growin in one spot...common sense would dictate that the roots r together....
u can spare me the talk,i know what im doin,im stating my opinion like he asked


Well-Known Member
he said he had 15 plants growin in one spot...common sense would dictate that the roots r together....
u can spare me the talk,i know what im doin,im stating my opinion like he asked
I get ya! Your opinion is the same type of opinion that all the politicians have.

Our health care system isn't working and is likely to fails so lets just get rid of it all together and come up with something else. Throw out the baby with the bathwater! Just make a new one with the right conditions.

Hmmmm, where would you be if your mama had the same opinion?


New Member
I get ya! Your opinion is the same type of opinion that all the politicians have.

Our health care system isn't working and is likely to fails so lets just get rid of it all together and come up with something else. Throw out the baby with the bathwater! Just make a new one with the right conditions.

Hmmmm, where would you be if your mama had the same opinion?
what all the talk with the politicians and healthcare????there r other places on this forum u can talk about that on...
and id prob be in the same spot since i dont know her


Seeing as this is my first time doing this I've decided that I'm going to take it slow save one plant and go from there. I'll be taking a big loss but I'd rather have one than none eh it's all apart of the learning experience I guess. next time I'll know better than to jam fifteen seeds into one pot.


Well-Known Member
Stfu about all that health care nonsense you idiot. It hasn't been working and all other coutries have been doing great with their healthcare changes and you guys are just idiots who don't like change. I wish Obama would eliminate All of you who don't want your life expectency to be longer. Just go move to Peru or something if you don't want a better system. No one cares about you guys in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as this is my first time doing this I've decided that I'm going to take it slow save one plant and go from there. I'll be taking a big loss but I'd rather have one than none eh it's all apart of the learning experience I guess. next time I'll know better than to jam fifteen seeds into one pot.
Don't go that route! What if you pick the only one that is male?

Try maybe five or six. Enough to handle but not so many that you'll feel overwhelmed.

If you're serious about growing your own, you'll find the time to learn about it. Believe me, pot growing isn't like growing a house plant. It takes some time and understanding. Think of them all as children. . . You're raising them to teens then teaching them about how to become adults.

It's a great hobby and a good future to a healthy motivation for hoticulture or botany if you get interested in it.

Give it a shot. . . if you like it you'll want to move forward. .. . if you don't, you can say you gave it a good concerted effort.


Well-Known Member
Stfu about all that health care nonsense you idiot. It hasn't been working and all other coutries have been doing great with their healthcare changes and you guys are just idiots who don't like change. I wish Obama would eliminate All of you who don't want your life expectency to be longer. Just go move to Peru or something if you don't want a better system. No one cares about you guys in the long run.
For your information, I've been navigative the socialist healthcare system for a while now through Medicare.

If you have experience with it, you would understand why elderly people, and people with debilitating disorders don't want it to go through.

Imagine ALL the red tape that is already in place, PLUS the government adding more twists, turns, knots, transferred calls that get you no where ALL THE TIME, EVERY TIME! It is a FULL TIME JOB in itself!

Not to mention, the more the U.S. becomes socialized, the more our labor force, work force, inventors, innovators, etc. . . anyone that gets paid for giving a little bit more than what McDonalds or Walmart insists they give, will disappear.

Laziness is bred out of giving and Hard Work is bred out of want. Do you want a loaf of bread for the week? Then work for it, or give me money (monetary account of labor/work) to exchange for it.

Remember, the government that can GIVE you EVERYTHING can also TAKE EVERYTHING AWAY. .. and very quickly too!

Do you want to end up one day just not having any way to get anybody who can help to stop that massive hemorrage you've got coming out of your arm?

Put yourself in others shoes! All the other countries are saying there's nothing wrong with THEIR health care because they have OUR health care to fall back on! What happens when WE ALL have to wait 48 hours to be admitted for chest pains or we need to wait 10 months to get treated for that cancer that is going to kill us in 2 months?

One of the reasons the U.S. has a great and expedient health care system is because every other country can depend on coming here for treatment that is only going to cost a bunch, but not their life.