First time drip-system grower. Help much appreciated!


Active Member
bump anyone?

almost drowned her after flushing and doing a res change. Looked an hour later and the whole plant was wilted and falling over. had to take out 4 full (drinking) cups of water out of the res and she has perked up again. emergency rescue!



Active Member
For the poster who said they had roots growing down into the res, add an airstone in the resovior. That way, if the roots grow down into the water in the resovior, you will just have a DWC and it will work out great.


Active Member
This thing is about to outgrow the growspace. How can i stop this thing vertically? pretty soon its going to be touching the light and has nowhere to go. Can someone please help me out its in week2 of flowering and looking oh so pretty :( :( :(


Well-Known Member
top it above a node that will allow the 2 side branches to grow up into 2 tops. you may want to go a couple nodes down to allow for more grow since you have 8 weeks for flower and it will grow more. if you don't want to cut, pinch and bend. it will heal faster then you think


Active Member
How hard should i pinch and bend? I did that and in two days the plant was touching the light lol. Its sitting on about 3-4 books thats the only vertical room i have left. It seems everyday im taking a book away and i still have 6 weeks :X

Will this thing NOT stop growing vert during flowering? im in my 2nd week about to start my 3rd and pistols are everywhere! this plant is so promising i dont want to run out of room :(


Active Member
first day of week 4... buds are looking delicious! ill have pictures soon as my camera broke so ill have to borrow one :(


Well-Known Member

I just looked at your last pic and it looks like you haven't topped it yet.
Your plant will grow another 2 to 3 feet as it is with one large cola on the top.

My opinion is to make use of the horizonal space you have and top it.
Pinch off the main growing tip at the top of the plant.

You may want to google the FIM (Fuck I missed) tec as it will give you multiple colas.

I know it looks sweet but you will gain much more at harvest.


Well-Known Member
Woops, I just went back and saw you did top it. Good.
That ought to slow her down for a couple weeks.
Take out the last couple books and relax.


Active Member
Yeah she is topped. Ive got atleast 3 weeks to go before harvest and I really hope she starts plumping up soon. The smell is sooo good I love it! Cant believe ive made it this far on my first real grow!


Well-Known Member
Yea, you got a good plant. If you check my journal you will see I have a similar system.
I got a question for you though. How often are you watering? I have watered twice a day for an hour. When I tried three times they started to yellow a bit so I went back to two. When the roots hit the lower container I added an air stone so I wouldn't get root rot. Now I am thinking it might have been the ph. Do you water 24/7?


Active Member
I just have a pump in my drip system running 24/7. The roots take up pretty much the whole bucket so i have to add a gallon every couple days or so. I also have an airstone in the bottom giving the roots oxygen 24/7. Thats pretty much how I have my system running. Im using hydroton so the water can run continuously without suffocating the plant :)


Active Member
im into week 7 now and a lot of the hairs are starting to turn orange and shrivel up... ill have some pics soon.

is this a sign of being close to harvest? this guy is not NEAR as thick as id like her to get :(


Active Member
can anyone give me a few harvesting tips by any chance? next week or two ill be choppin her down.

should i just cut at the base and let the whole plant hang in the dark for a week or so before cutting all the branches/buds? Thanks :)