First time closet grower. Need any advice or tips.

I have 3 seedlings, 2 in 1 gallon pot and just one in its own 1 gallon pot under four 4ft T12 6500k fluoros totaling 160watts. Im using miracle grow 6 month time release, which I learned is prolly the worst soil for seedlings after spending hours reading threads. Def. looking to get some organic soil. Im a week and a half in from germinating and they're about 2in tall and starting their second set of leaves. One huge problem, the first set of leaves are a little yellow on the tips. Is that cuz of nute burn from the soil or do I have too much wattage totaling 160watts for seedlings? My temp. has been a steady 78degrees with 50-60% humidity as well. I do have some light escaping cuz i'm watin on some mylar. Should I transplant them outta that soil ASAP? Plzz any advice and tips based on what I'v described above thnx. Peace everyone
well, not too much to look at man. Iike I said, a week 1/2 old, 2 in tall with 2nd set of leaves commin in and some yellow. Im just lookin for thoughts. I know my soil is shit, but could be from my 160watts? Im doin this on my ps3 with my controller so its a bitch lol. Dont have a camera and I just busted my phone. Soooo pics are no go. Just lookin for opinions. Damn, 28 views and I cant get any replies?!?! Guess I better get on those pics then...
WTF BOB, you wanna make friends hit up a chatroom er somethin. Im tryin to conduct business my dude. You like dogs, then find a doggy forum. Ya digg??? Happy Cinco de Mayo. Peace


Well-Known Member
well, not too much to look at man. Iike I said, a week 1/2 old, 2 in tall with 2nd set of leaves commin in and some yellow. Im just lookin for thoughts. I know my soil is shit, but could be from my 160watts? Im doin this on my ps3 with my controller so its a bitch lol. Dont have a camera and I just busted my phone. Soooo pics are no go. Just lookin for opinions. Damn, 28 views and I cant get any replies?!?! Guess I better get on those pics then...
hey bro the reason why thers no replies is cux not many ppl want to give u a guesstimate diagnosis jus by a description