First Time Clone Deformed


Well-Known Member
I took a few clones from my northern lights grow around a month n a half ago, i used root gel the 45 degree cut etc.... into peat pellets then clear moist plastic cup domes uder cfl light, it took a few weeks this one turned yellow then sprouted roots, I repotted. It seemed to be healthy turning a nice green again and sprouting new leafs fast, however the whole clone now seems to be deformed.. can anybody tell me what might have went wrong and what the outcome of flowering this clone is likely to be ??

also am i correct in asumin that av planted it to deep as these wee branches are apearing at soil level, is this ok ??




Active Member
Looks like you ph is out of balance, you'll get twisting warping leaves as well as mutated looking leaves. I've been through it and one of mine still has those exact leaves on the older growth, the new growth came in good once i figured out my ph. you should be good to go once you correct your ph issue, if it doesnt get corrected they will die....i lost 2 from this problem.

you can plant up to the first set of branches with no issues.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have had clones that started out looking like that and they turned out to be huge bushes. Good healthy growth at the bottom tells me that plant is generally healthy and probably nothing wrong here that a little time will fix.