First successful CFL Grow/all input welcome.


hello i am new to rollitup and wanted to get some advice on my plants
first off hers what im working with
Grow area-2Ft Wide,2feet deep,4.5 feet tall

lights 3x 40W-100W Equivelent 2700K
lights 3x 13W-60W Equivalent 6500K

fan-a small heater fan from crappy tire for 10$ has both fan and heat on separate settings so i can turn off heat part

soil-MG seedling starting soil i know alot of ppl here dont like MG but so far i can swear by it Ph at 6.0 and excellent for seedlings and no time relesed nuts rly very lil of anything like 1.5N,2.0P,2.0K i may be wrong on these numbers buts its rly low is my point

Water-Plain old tap water let stand for at least 24 hrs

Nuts-Plant Prod brand 20-20-20 all purpose Fertilizer for indoor plants 1 tsp mixed per gallon of water as per directions 6 oz of this solution every Friday

right now i am in 5th week flower and 3 clones coming along with 1 northern lights seedling

questions- when do i see the tricomes or frosty bud appearance?
and how long more do you think she needs to flower seeing about 10% brown pistils already and a rough estamate of final weigh?

Oh and what you think of the clones because i think i accidentally FIM'ed em when i went to top them.Not rly a bad thing i guess i just wanna be sure its normal growth. this is my first time with clones i only worked with seed

Vegging the plant
photo 3.jpgsphoto 1.jpg
Current pics 5th week flowering
IMGP1891.jpgphoto 5.jpgIMGP1892.jpgIMGP1893.jpg
Heres the clones when i cut em
photo 2.jpg
Current pics of clones 3 weeks later
IMGP1894.jpg IMGP1895.jpg


Well-Known Member
hmm for 5th week of flower it hasnt dont much my plant is 22 days into flower and has done more, but nice grow any way man plants like great


Oh and i LST'ed the Flowering plant because of space plant got too tall if u look close u can see the white string.


just under the main cola on the right the entire stem is covered in buds just covered by the leaves in these pics ill get another pic of this in later


Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good, but are you using tin-foil for a reflector? if so i think you'd get better results just painting it flat white.


Well-Known Member
you could double your light input for next to nothing if you made some reflectors for those bulbs. Maybe some aluminum pie plates attached behind them with duct tape. Most of your light is just radiating off into space. You could probably move the light closer too.


i really want to move to the HPS side but unfortunataly i dont have the money :( so for now cfls is what i got.
i am not arguing with u about the reflectors but i was told the side of the cfl bulb gave the most lumens not shure why tho
and i am using emergency blankets from walmart for the walls and to wrap the clear pot cuz i heard light+roots =Bad juju


does anyone know.

when do i see the tricomes or frosty bud appearance?
how much longer do you think she needs to flower? (seeing about 10% brown pistils already)
a rough estimate of final weight?


Well-Known Member
i am not arguing with u about the reflectors but i was told the side of the cfl bulb
that's right, but over half the bulb is facing away from the plants the light isn't going to bounce of the walls and ceiling with any power to do anything.


Well-Known Member
like frmrboi said get reflectors and try to get your lights closer. and start of trich development depends on your strain.


Well-Known Member
wow 110 views and only 10 posts
don't be a dick bro, some people just skim through threads, some people can't answer your questions. trichome production depends on plant strain, light intensity, nutrients, temperature, humidity etc... judging by the thinness of the leaves you have a sativa dominant plant, so you will have at least a 9-10 week flowering time. I would say you might yield 1/2-3/4 oz, cfls can only do so much, clones look good though.


thank you very much .
i wasent trying to be a dick srry ppl if u got it that way
jsut look from my perspective i asked a few questions and here it is like 4 days later to finally get an answer.