first shroom trip


Well-Known Member
Last night i had shrooms for the first time. I ate an 8th and half of my buddys 8th. we went to the movie store to get a movie right after eating them cuz they werent "suposed" to take effect for a little while. I was standing at the counter about to pay when the side of the casheers head began to swell. I looked at my friend and his pupils were so big you couldnt even see the color of his eyes. We got the movie and i started driving to his house. i didnt want to be driving but i knew if we waited it would only get worse. on the way to his house i did my best to stay under hte speed limit. i thought i was doing good but when i looked at the speedometer i realized i was going 52, the speed limit was 25. we got back to his house and i started throwing up in the grass. The grass turned into snakes and when my hands touched the grass i couldnt understand why they werent getting bit was the worst feeling of my life, if i had had a gun i probably woulda shot myself. After i got done throwing up i looked up and saw a light on the other side of his yard. It was just a little light but i could feel the warmth from it. I stood up and walked over to it. once i got there i felt completely fine. I actually felt amazing. I just stood a few inches away from the light for about a half hour. After that a friend came and got us and took us for a drive. we went up into the mountains and built a snowcave. it ended up being an amazing night. i cant wait to try them again


Well-Known Member
haha throwing up on boomers is hell.. usually makes you trip your balls off too. Glad the night eventually evened out and you had an enjoyable night.. I used to deliver pizza and shroom it was pretty fucking insane.. I'd just start laughing when people would answer the door it was pretty hilarious.. what a crazy drug.


Active Member
Im on shrooms righrt now. i have goosd self conttrol though, i dont think i could erver have a bad trip cause I know that im not sober, and that this shit is wutuyss making me trip.


Well-Known Member
Good thing you saw that light. Sounds like you had a cl;ose call to never shrooming again. I'm glad you made it thru the bad part. This story took me back a few years, thanks


Active Member
Yeah mushroom trips are usually a combination of nervous/confusion and extreme happyness. Its like a rollercoaster ride with lots of ups and downs, and all depends on the people and the enviornment.


Well-Known Member
ya the throwing up really fucks you up. my friend came in when i was in the middle of throwing up and asked what was happening. all i said was "Wow"


Well-Known Member
shrooms always seems to hit me when i'm in the bathroom and by the time i get done wizzin' i go to flush the handle and shit goes crazy and ill catch myself zoned out in the bathroom staring at the wallpaper and shit for way too long. thats when i know

shrooms are the shit


Active Member
The first time I tripped I did the same thing without throwing up and I went from a great trip into a bad trip scaring the shit out of me and then back to amazing euphoria for the rest of the night till I fell asleep woke up the next morning feeling like wow shrooms definitley rewired my thinking and outlook on life. now 5 trips later every single one has been amazing <3 them. bongsmilie



Active Member
Definitely don't go in stores when you're tripping!

Went into McDonalds once... wow. Took me at least 20 minutes to order, so it seemed, not to mention everything was moving and oozing together etc.

Just don't do it.


Active Member
the 1st time i tripped it was fuckin nuts dude....i had like an 8th of blue caps (fuckd me up bigtime lol and i was sitting on my couch in my basement , its a pretty chill pad and i went to get up and the fucking floor was a shiny mirror like liquid color it was fuckin nuts and i was seeing spines of weird creatures swim up like a shark then dip back down then listend to sum fuckin led zepp (YOU HAVE TO DO IT WHEN YUR TRIPPIN BALLS) idk what it is but its a life changing experiance lol
another thing i remember trippin is when it 1st hit me i was looking at my hand and the skin was like drifting off my hand lol


Active Member
haha throwing up on boomers is hell.. usually makes you trip your balls off too. Glad the night eventually evened out and you had an enjoyable night.. I used to deliver pizza and shroom it was pretty fucking insane.. I'd just start laughing when people would answer the door it was pretty hilarious.. what a crazy drug.
hahaha that's hilarious!