First post, what's going on ?


Active Member
Hello , I would like to have some help , this is my second time growing marijuana outdoor and I'm asking my self what went wrong? My plants don't look healthy (compare to what I had last summer).I know it's 2 late for those but tips for next summer could be good ( the second pic is my plant last summer) I used the same dirt I had last summer and they are at the same spot.You can't see the heads on the first picture but they are the only part of the plants looking good (about 3g each).

I know my english is horrible it's not my first language



Well-Known Member
looks like they didn't get enough food. the soil may have been depleted from last year. what you did get looks good.


Well-Known Member
Well look at the soil in the first picture and the second picture.

In the second picture it almost looks like Fox Farms Ocean Forest, but in the first picture it looks like you put a bunch of asphalt in a bucket and planted a seed.

Last years plant looks good but still looks hungry.
I suggest picking up a good bag of soil and some good nutrients and I think you'll have good luck next year.

Goodluck man.


Active Member
Last year I bought 1 bag of dirt for 4$ at home depot plant my seed watered everyday and got this plant my total harvest was 8.6 oz .I did the same thing this year and the way it's going if I have 4 oz I will be lucky.I put rock down my pot to help draining and that's all I guess I bought the bad kind of dirt ( same company but difference on the bag I didn't notice)well thanks a lot for your answers.


Well-Known Member
you just need to use some plant food next time. looks good for the second year in that soil with no nutes. :)