First-Post Introduction

Hello everybody. I'm a former member of the old Overgrow Forums and am posting my first message here. I learned so much valuable information from Overgrow, and I look forward to learning more as a new member of Rollitup.

Unfortunately I had to quit growing quite a few years ago due to a change in living arrangements, but I am now about one month away from getting back up and operational. I was sad to see Overgrow gone. I was a C-13 (Mill's Pride storage cabinet) grower, and the following on those old forums for C-13 grows was great. I learned everything from an old member named MALIBOO (anyone remember this C-13 grow cab guru - I'd love to reconnect with him?).

Anyway, the C-13's are no longer being manufactured, so I will be going with a different-styled cabinet, but the setup will be similar. I'm no expert by any means, but I would love to post a grow journal here as I go along, in the hopes of motivating others.

Just ordered a total of 20 feminized seeds today from Nirvana:


Stay tuned....


Active Member

I have a White Widow and a Wonder Woman from nirvana growing atm, feel free to visit my journal and have a look.

Lookin forward to your progress with your gals!