First plant male or female Pics posted!


Active Member
Here is are plant they where were having trouble with at first. we started to master everything and got some FF nutes and she just blew up! I just switched her to the HPS 12 on 12 off. here are some new pics. I am pretty sure she is female but what do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
the middle pic says female. based upon the hue of the color, it could be something else, but those look like pistils... if so, congrats.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, does appear to have pistils in that middle picture. Hope we are right and if so GRATS its a girl.


Well-Known Member
If you just started 12/12 its gonna be a week/10 days before you know definitively. IMHO I didn't see anything resembling a pistil. You do have some nice grow shoots and in a week or so they'll go bright green... right before you'll see the double pistil....or not. Some of my most beautiful babies have turned out to be male.Good luck but to soon to tell.


Well-Known Member
Nothing to go by. The "hairs" people are seeing in the second pic are stipules. I say this because a) there's only one "hair" on each side of the stalk and they're too uniform to be pistils b) there are no visible calyxes so why would the hairs be so visible? c) the "hairs" seem to originate from the main stem rather than a caylx between the node.


Well-Known Member
healthy yes, but I cant tell from those pix,, I dont know what the other people are seeing,,, Oh well good luck....:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Those are stipules as well, not pistils.
The trick is to take the picture and look at the negative of it for far better contrast.

Looking at the negative, the two pistil hairs as well as stipules are visible where stated in the middle picture.


Active Member
here are some updated pictues that I took today. about five days later and loving her new nuets and light setup! Let me know! What is the diffrence between a pistil and a stiplues. thanks for all your help!



Well-Known Member
Stipules are the little pointy "fingers" that appear wherever a new shoot meets the main stem. There should be four of them wherever a shoot meets the stem, 2 on each side. I think they are supposed to protect new growth in it's early stages.

Pistils are the hairs that come out of calyxes. They form buds.