First outdoor.. testing the spot


Well-Known Member
Thanks... looking forward to seeing the end results

It was a mixed bag of seeds that was used WW, Big Bud and some other funky name that I can't recall... lol... but hell who cares when the seeds are free!


Active Member
gotta love free seeds mannnn....even more so when it produces the like of that crop...lookin good.


Well-Known Member
Yea I have no complaints there... we had a bunch of males out of the batch that we have been weeding out so to speak... 3 of which were found during the pic taking.. glad we had gone All in all I'm just pleased at what we have out of the bag now... my friend in the picture is the same height as me standing at 6 ft 5 in so the plants are doing great. I am looking forward to seeing how well they bud over the next couple of weeks.



Well-Known Member
hey man fuckin awesome plants.

are you doing this with a partner?? i have been thinking of doing a grow with my friend next year but a lot of people say not to. i have only worked alone so far but if i teamed up i have access to better and safer growing sites.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man... glad you like our stash...
Yea I am working with a partner on this grow... we have known each other since we were kids and he is also engaged to my sister so he is like family and soon to be. I would be very careful in partnering up with someone unless you have ABSOLUTE trust in this person... I mean have you seen their own grow... and know this person explicitly... there are a ton of factors to consider if you are going to partner with someone. But the benefits of having a partner can be great as you can see....



Well-Known Member
Had to tie a few over to ensure that stealthy grow!

Hope everyone else is having a great season as well.



Well-Known Member
Suffered our first storm damage of the year... thunderstorm blew through not too long ago and split one of our girls at the base. Lucky for us we got to her fast and so far have managed to save her. Some string around the base where it was split to bring her back together and a bit of duck tape above the split on the secondary branches for extra support. So far she has not shown any signs of wilting or withering and has been sucking up all the water we give her... quite a hardy plant if I do say so myself.

Today pics up soon.


someone else

Active Member
Really nice BR! Those are some inspiring pictures.

How much sunlight do those plants get each day? Just curious, because I was gonna do a forest grow myself, but decided against it due to poor sunlight. Did you have to chop any trees/bushes to get more light in there?

Keep up the solid work!


Well-Known Member
Thanks SE... not sure exactly how many hours they get each day to be honest, but if I have to estimate it I would say at least 8 or more. I found a decent sized clearing to start with but still had to cut 15 saplings and trees combined down to maximize the amount of light. The way I did it was to start in the morning sun cutting any blocking trees and saplings... then worked on digging... at noon I cut a few more... then back to digging and at 3pm cut a few more. Doing it this way allowed me to remove any direct shading trees and also get my holes dug and soil put down. It was a pain in the butt but worth it in my opinion... the area is secure enough to warrant doing the work.



Well-Known Member
Tks ... working hard to keep em healthy ... hoping for a decent crop out of this patch. Next years is going to be even better.
