First outdoor grow/northern climate

Hi all, just found this site when researching for my first grow try. I'm just starting smoking pot, the fact that i was in the navy stopped me from really smoking until i got discharged due to depression.

I live in maine, is it late to put in now?

I plan to plant in the woods near my home due to living in an extremely rural area, how much attention would they need?

I have a few sites picked out, somewhat near streams with fertile soil. Any further tips?

I was thinking on just getting some mersh seeds (low quality weed up here, about 25 an 1/8th) and planting those, since it IS my first growing i figure the low quality would be better able to survive through my lack of experience and I wont have high expectations for the yield.

Due to the late planting and lack of experience im more looking at a learning season and having little to no output.


Make sure that the soil has good drainage and not swampy. Often soil next to creeks holds too much moisture. If your going for the woods make sure they get plenty of light. You wont have much success if your plants are shaded all day by the forest canopy. Also soil around pines tends to be more acidic. Check the ph of the dirt in the area you plan on using unless you are using pots and potting soil.
Just make sure you protect from pests and predators and you should be ok.


Well-Known Member
Hello from Connecticut. I think you're in luck Maine...due to your different climate and zone, I think now is an ideal planting time for you. Germinate your seeds indoors of course, then transplant them to your site. When planting in containers, herb doesnt need anything larger than a 5 gallon container. So if you're planting in the ground, just condition the soil to that of the size of a 5 gallon pot. Plenty of sunlight and water are needed to keep the girls happy. A mixture of soil, peat moss, pearlite and vermiculite is ideal. Remember, what you put into this effort is what you get out of it! I tend to my girls very frequently every day. But if you tend to them less frequently thats ok too.