first indoor hydro grow


this is gonna be my first indoor and hydro grow. use to grow outside years ago and decided Iliked growing soooo. going to use the coconut hair. got the seeds started now, its all bag weed but I don't want to ruin the thc bomb seed I bought at like 80 bucks, and I have read a lot of others have grown good weed with bag seed so what the heck, lets see. if I kill them off somehow its only bag weed no issue I can get more.I lie the idea of the coco cause its more like soil, which Im use to and a bit more forgiving. I had thought of the deep water methed but maybe later. anyway seeds are soaked and in rockwool and look to be sprouting so far. building 2 areas in the basement to do this, 1 big flower area that will have 2 600 hps cause I am doing 2 different grows ( 3 actually but read in a sec). Im gonna grow one set to 18 inchs and just pinch to fluff them out and kinda let them do there thing. the other side of the room gona do a scrog, or at least try. the lights will be on the same lengh of time so I see no issues. I MAY add some cfl or 2 foot grow floros but we will see.I am also gonna do a 3 by 3 area that I want to try this auto starin out. sounds interesting and I want to see what kind of yield I can get. Im gonna do 16\8 on the auto with a 2 or 250 hps. not sure yet. and probably a few 4 foot floros down the sides cause its seems to me it may need that extra light at the sides. assuming I learn quickly from my mistakes I plan on starting the 5 thc bombs I have and use them as mothers for again 2 separate grows in the same room.the 3 free seds I got are 1 royal queen royal cheese, which is sativa and grows hugh, so I may put the in the 3 by 3 room and start flowering her at 2 feet. I don't wanna go over 6 feet with any plants. also got 2 keralax skunk #1, which I cant seem to find any info on those and they are NOT feminized, so not sure what I will do with those. I will be asking many questions from you rollers, as well as my buddy whem happens to own a hydro shop right down the street, but mostly about the hydro part. I think I still have the plant health [art down I hope, but it has been years and outside. I will post MANY pics and comments and have plans on posting EXACTLY how I did it, but only AFTER I myself work out all the bugs, likely a year or so from now, for others to read who are gonna do this. especially about the auto, there is a lot of part time info and I got the feeling almost no one has really concentrated on those autos. they are new and I feel need experimented with.