first indoor grow just got mites would like some feed back on my pics thanks

sprayed with azamax yesterday , went in today found a couple on 2 other plants, finger smashed those, sprayed all plants with cold water mist underneath leaf , i removed the ak-47 that was badly infested yesterday too as soon as i found the little fuc****


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your taking serious measures . that azamax is some serious stuff. If you follow the directions for the next week your problem should be gone. Just make sure you spray excess axamax off after 30 min to an hour and if you can do this 15 min before your lights come on while there is no intense light. Gl sir =D
Hi skarface,

Nice garden!

I have some experience in researching spider mites and have studied the effects of the poisons often used to treat them. Very dangerous stuff!

I posted Cautions and Warnings on my website today specifically regarding AzaMax at:

You can also find the information by logging in to

Happy to answer any questions you might have on safely and effectively treating our Arch Nemesis.

-Farmer Tom


Well-Known Member
Or, if you want sound advice on the many traditional remedies available, including Azamax, I count myself as a spider-mite Jedi.

Nice commercial post, Farmer Tom
I began using Medical Marijuana some years ago after a pretty bad car accident. Took a nice bump on the head and suffered from severe nausea for about five years.

I lost close to fifty pounds in six months from not being able to eat. When I did eat, it wouldn't stay down.

A friend of mine told me about how good Cannabis is for nausea, I tried it and literally within minutes, I was hungry, ate, and my body was able to metabolize what I had eaten. For me it was like a miracle! :)

I began to make regular visits to the dispensary and noticed that there was no consistency in the quality of the product with regards to what was used on it as pesticide. Seemed like over half of the time, the medicine tasted like poison. And it often made me sick. Though without my medicine I couldn't eat, so I had no choice but to take what I got.

Over the years I learned that most of the dispensaries receive donations of product from people that use heavy duty poisons to - Let's face it, protect their profits.

I have become somewhat of a crusader against poisons in general.

Having had the experience of smoking poisons in my medicine, I refused to use any type of chemicals on my plants, and of course lost many plants to spider mites.

I feel very lucky to have finally found a safe way to deal with the problem, and felt that sharing that discovery was the right thing to do.

Some of the dispensaries that I have spoken with about trying my product have come right out and said that they would just continue to use poisons. I gave a couple of them free samples to try as I know it works and is safe, and the problem of spider mites is a very common topic of discussion among growers. Though even when I gave them the solution for free, one of the dispensaries wouldn't even try it, Even as an experiment on one small plant. This fellow told me that he had mites on twenty indoor plants. I said, "Cool", here is a free bottle take it home and try it, it will knock out the mites and then keep them away- Safely". He just just kept saying; "Well, I guess it could work." (That bottle sat on the shelf for over a month)

So, they of course are not looking for a safe alternative for their members, they are happy with using poisons though they have used so much of these toxins that we now have what are called - Mendo Mites and no amount of poisons will kill them, kinda like over using anti-biotics creating super bugs. (Some of the stuff is even carcinogenic and illegal in California)

Farmer Tom's works great on Mendo Mites as it does not use toxins to kill them. As an anti-feedent, it starves them.

This is why I promote dispensaries that do care about people, animals and the earth. And they have found that their plants are healthier and more vibrant and they have no guilt about knowingly hurting people.

Going All Natural is also why I use glass bottles for the product. I found that the plastic containers emit toxins into the products that they contain.

Now, I realize that all those plants that I lost to mites over the years was actually a blessing in disguise. If I do see mites on my plants it is no longer a death sentence to them, I do not get that sinking feeling anymore as I know that I can easily force them off of my plants just by feeding them.

Happy Harvests!

-Farmer Tom


Well-Known Member
A word of caution..... Those two windows..... Do they face any of your neighbors? If they do, be very cautious about having blacked out windows. The way you have done yours WILL attract attention. The first photo had me alarmed, then I saw that later you had put up relective material. Is that light-proof? Have you checked it out from outside?

I have a nosey neighbor who notices EVERYTHING. She once asked me why I was installing a window AC in a spare room that was empty. I asked her how she knew it was empty, and she replied that she knew I slept in the back and that i lived alone. I quickly advised her my brother and my niece may be coming for a Disney visit and they'll be staying in that room and the AC was for their comfort. She was just making small talk, wanting to have a conversation with someone, but little did she know, I was close to having a stroke. She saw me bringing in shop lights a month ago and she made herself part of that explanation as well.

I'm not here to bitch about my neighbor, just to warn you, that nosey people exist, and they aren't satisfied until they have an explanation for something odd or out of place. Two blacked out windows in a single room on a corner maybe all that stands between you and a bust. I'd think about camoflouging the windows to make them appear normal, maybe even allow a little light through at night.
yeah those windows are legit two tbig trees out front and i took my time on the covering :) good looking out though thats close inspection right there, put the mylar sheet up bounce back running out of room on my legal llimit, now some of my bottom leaves are yellowing and my top leaves are getting smaller size???? time for more nutes and bigger pots then 1212 what do u think about a flush before transplant???