First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
That's right. I'll have pictures posted soon enough, and I'll try as hard as I can to make sure you all know what you're looking at and each individual plant. I don't know how good of shots I will be able to get but I will try to get the best I can. I don't have a lot of good lighting or places to take true color pictures. If you understand what I mean.


Well-Known Member
So I am going to try to do a really clean and clear update. Consisting of labeling each plant and explaining each one. If you want to see more pictures of a certain plant or anything I will get them asap. I'm also going to give an update equipment list of what I've got now, and what I plan on doing. I hope this helps people get a better idea of my plants.

2x 2ft 4bulb T5 lights - Total of 192w (Vegging Light)
600w HPS cooltube - (Flowering Light)
FFOF Ocean Forest Soil - (Entire Grow)
Pot sizes are mixed right now but plan on only using 2 or 3g Smart Pots (Start seeds in 4" x 4" pots)
GH Flora Micro, AN Big Bud, AN Bud Candy, Fish Fertilizer are the only nutes I use currently.
Strains are all bagseed. The new seedlings are bought seeds. (Strains will be listed below with pictures)
Veg Cab Dimensions: 50" long x 16" deep x 35" tall
Flower Closest Dimensions: 95" long x 26" deep x 83" tall

After I get done with the bagseed strains and clones. I want to get a perpetual cycle going of 6 plants; finishing them in 3g Smart Pots. I will LST and super crop as needed.


Barney's Farm 8 Ball Kush #1-3:
The first three pictures are of the seedlings of the 8 Ball Kush. Number 2 is looking a little weird; but they all seem pretty healthy. They are all 3" - 3 1/2" tall. They are all on Day 6 of Vegging; Week 1 tomorrow. They are all in their 4" x 4" starter pots.

Freebie Seed Black Domina x Bubblegum:
I don't know where the seed is from because it was a freebie when I got the 8 ball kush seeds, but it's growing nice and healthy. Also around 3" tall, and Day 6 of Vegging; Week 1 tomorrow. It is also in it's 4" x 4" start pot.

Bagseed Strain Plato #1-4:
So I got these seeds from a bag of some really good nugs, and it was called Plato; that's where the name comes in. I started one a couple months back and ended up male. It had a great smell, structure, and indica look. I had four seeds left of the same strain so I started them; which is what you'll see below. They were all vegged for 5 weeks, and are on Day 4 of Flowering. They are all in 2g Smart Pots Each one is a little different, and was trained a little differently.

Plato #1 - I never did any training with this one. I wanted to see the structure of the plant without LSTing and such. It currently sits at about 15" tall, not confirmed male or female yet.

Plato #2 - This one I LSTd once or twice, and current has a great almost even canopy with one or two branches needed catching up. Great looking bush. I took and super cropped two little lengthier tops today to try to get it more even. Currently sitting at around 11" with the super crop. She is a confirmed female.

Plato #3 - This one was a taller, lankier, one of the bunch, but still managed to keep it low with the rest of them. I LSTd twice, and super cropped a few times. It sits around 12" tall. Canopy is more of a slope then even, trying to get it evened out. She is a confirmed female, which surprised me as it grew almost like a male compared to the other three.

Plato #4 - I nicknamed this one the three header. It somehow manage to grow 3 strong similar colas, and not just part of the bush or side branches. You may be able to tell I super cropped the tops, did it yesterday and this morning they were already turned around. It just have a great even canopy in a weeks time. It sits around 11" tall, and has not been confirmed male or female yet.

Bagseed Strain Unknown #1:
A couple months bag I found a little gram baggie with 2 nice looking seeds in there. They were not labeled (rare for me) so I have no idea what kind of strain it could be, but I'm sure it was some good nug. Only one seed made it and a couple months later here she is. She is on Day 15 of Flower, sitting at 20" tall. Not much of a smell, but if you mess with her a bit there is a nice sweet smell to it. She defiantly seems like sativa dom, since she was young. She is in a 5g bucket, unlike the Platos that are all finishing in 2g Smart Pots. Hoping for a nice yield on this big girl, I got a couple pictures of her.

Well that's it for now I think. Again, if anyone has any feedback, negative or positive, please let me know. I am still learning and will take all the information given. Also if you want anymore information or pictures that I did not include, just let me know and I'll get right on it.


Well-Known Member
Wheres ADT at? lol Damn soooo much better, and easier for us to look back at things,just like I didnt know you had the cooltube.
They all look very healthy.

Can you take 1 of the pots and see if 6 are all gonna fit good in your flowering station?
The next time you need to move are when you get time?

Also,keep bending and lstn em to get light to lower branches,You have done a great job so far
At week 2-3 of F they should all have signs of Sex.At that time i would pinch n S/C em real good
starting at the tallest branch,and pinch about 5-6" down from the top of branch,Make sure that
the next day it has not bent RT back!!!

The bottom will really take off as the stem repairs and redistributes auxins.
There will be a knuckle or round spot where you S/C if done RT.
. Auxins promote stem elongation, inhibit growth of lateral buds (maintains apical dominance
apical is the main stem.


Well-Known Member
Haha, thanks. Took a little extra time into that update, now I'll have to do that good every time :lol:

Yeah I think those were my better ones I S/C'd, starting to get the hang of it but I think I started too early, oh well.

So what you mean about the pots, like the 3g? I haven't tried yet but I will. I know the pots are 10" and since the closest is only 26" wide I might have to do a little zigzag thing. I did find out that I will only be able to fit 5 3g Smart Pots in my veg cab and that's after I find a spot for the clones.

So since it looks like I can't do 6 plants. I will need to try to push hard for at least 2.5oz each to hit that 12oz goal we talked about before, not with these plants, but with the new ones I just planted. If I could get at least 6oz off this round I'd be happy.


Well-Known Member
Not knowing strain a oz a plant,Be happy.The sativas dont usually get good yields.
The longer the Vegg time =bigger root system=Bigger the buds.

With tht vegg time i would not be scared to flower em in the 2g S-pots.
You did say they were in 2g ,will that fit 6 in there?
ps.BRB need to go check on a tea i got brewing and Add azomite,forgot TOO.



Well-Known Member
Alright, so yeah that's close to 6oz for this round. I hear 8 ball kush is a heavier yielding plant so hopefully that comes through for the next round.

Anyways yeah I could get six 2g S-pots in the veg and flower areas.

The four Platos are in 2g and fit snug. I bet I could get two more S-pots where the big ass Sativa is.


Well-Known Member
Dude, when U get this grow done, you need to look into making AACT.
My plants go crazy after a good drink of Tea,Real noticeable growth
in 48hrs.

I use Rain water for my grows and keep a 50g,Barrel full when possible.
Need a pump to keep water circulating,so it does not go stagnant.

Then get a 5g bucket with 2 airstones and add your tea ingredients,
Makes some happy Roots.

Trying a new Sweet from bonts this go....Was using Sweet got some Grape
from hydro place a sample bottle,love the sweet
really makes em taste great.

And,also makes the buds swell from all the Carbos.


Well-Known Member
Alright, so yeah that's close to 6oz for this round. I hear 8 ball kush is a heavier yielding plant so hopefully that comes through for the next round.

Anyways yeah I could get six 2g S-pots in the veg and flower areas.

The four Platos are in 2g and fit snug. I bet I could get two more S-pots where the big ass Sativa is.
I bet tht pic i posted of it was close to 3ozs.


Well-Known Member
I will have to look into getting different nutes probably after I harvest this first batch, might be broke for a while.

So you don't think I'll need 3g to get to where I need to, and I could get away with 2g?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm confused what you asked, but I'm going to bed.

You can explain whether I should use the 2g S-pots or the 3g S-pots tomorrow.

I'll be on in the morning around 9ish.


Well-Known Member
Good vs bad......Not gonna potbound,IMO with tht short of vegg and size.
Shooting for this organic grow..



Well-Known Member
Well it's going to take awhile to start doing organic after I bought all that stuff I did for what I have now.

Short veg time? I thought that 6 weeks is longer then avg? Also I can allow my plants to get taller then 1ft going into flowering. My veg cab has ALMOST 2ft of height to work with, with pots and lights height added.

I think I'm just going to have to plant one in each size and see what happens to find some more exact info. I have no idea what the roots systems will act like, what kind of yield difference there could be, if it's worth it to go with 5 larger plants or 6 smaller.

I've only used 2g S-pots so I have no perspective on how the 3g will perform. Up until a month ago I didn't even ACTUALLY know how they air pruned the roots.

What are you thinkin?


Well-Known Member
Dude, when U get this grow done, you need to look into making AACT.
My plants go crazy after a good drink of Tea,Real noticeable growth
in 48hrs.

I use Rain water for my grows and keep a 50g,Barrel full when possible.
Need a pump to keep water circulating,so it does not go stagnant.

Then get a 5g bucket with 2 airstones and add your tea ingredients,
Makes some happy Roots.

Trying a new Sweet from bonts this go....Was using Sweet got some Grape
from hydro place a sample bottle,love the sweet
really makes em taste great.

And,also makes the buds swell from all the Carbos.
Obviously this man wants to see you thrive! Your such a good dude beech! It's folks like him when I first came here that helped me up my medicine levels that's fer sure fer sure!


Well-Known Member
Obviously this man wants to see you thrive! Your such a good dude beech! It's folks like him when I first came here that helped me up my medicine levels that's fer sure fer sure!
Don't have to tell me how great this man, he helps me in my grow and in my life. Guru.