First Harvest


Active Member
So veged three ak-47, and two g-13's for 36 days, and flowered for just under 8 weeks.

My setup, I veged under a 400w cfl with 1/2 veg tubes and 1/2 grow tubes....then moved them under a 600w dual spectrum aircooled daystar, i did not use CO2 on this grow. Aside from the aphids, this grow went great....

So Meanwhile, I cloned a plant that I grew from a solitary headband seed I found in some of the crippest shit ever. I built out a new room with co2 with 2 1000w and 55gal barrel with 12 sites.

I used an ebb and flow tray to provide nutrient (veg1200ppm....flower2000ppm+....flush 700ppm...using roots organic, floral nectar, tigerbloom, sil mag, and a few others) I felt like overdosing on floral nectar was responsible for the large stalk growth on the trichs about 3 weeks into it happened on both strains....i used almost three times the rec dosage in my tank.

So i experimented on trimming...using a small 600 and all..only getting 2-3 ft penetration I was worried about the nugs down a trusted friend told me that you can trim the lower floamy branches of the pland and about 15% of the leaves on an AK, and that anymore is a no I did one at 15%, one at 25% and one and 40%. Guess what, he was right. THe 25% and 40% trim job plants barely made it to harvest, the 40% I harvested two week early even. The 25% one was good till harvest but yielded half as much as the 15%.

This worked really well, the areas of the plant affect by the cfl produced larger resin glands, plainly visible to the naked eye

First I used neem and soap, then alternated, then just neem, they are unruly little bastards and rotted the roots on my weaker ak's that I trimmed...and forced harvesting slightly early by eventually rotting all the roots. I hate aphids, and dread ever having the problem again, I dont know if I didnt sterilize well enough, or if they walked in on the clones...but they blow.




Well-Known Member
AYO you got some dankassshit congrats man i wanna smoke some of that it looks made potent!! whats the strain


Well-Known Member
That dog looks like its mixed with a pig! LMAO
And what the hell is that your putting on your bagel?


Active Member
yeha that lil dog loves the smell of ganja....she was a drug dog in her former existence.

Thanks much for all the encouragement. I ended up with 9.6 oz from 5 plants....actually 7oz were from 3....not bad for a 600w light....i was afraid I be harvesting a lot less.

i onto the next one now....burmese kush and da purps from attitude.....og clones from the dispensary, purple kush from craigslist-if you can fathom that, and headband from one seed I found in an ounce of the cryp....upwards and onwards as I always say.


Well-Known Member
man great job! thats just wonderful looking buds! and probably the dankest bagel ive ever seen:eyesmoke: congrats! oh and cute dog man:mrgreen:


Active Member
nice man not bad lil over a half pound that should last a while <@:d)=
actually, i didn't keep it....the going rate from clubs here for medicine like that is around 300 a i kept the best and dished the rest to pay for my setup

cant tell you how satisfying it felt to have the people at the dispensary drooling for a change....always wondered what it looked like in the back room....and then to walk with a fat wad of their cash as opposed to walking out with the normal lint.....awesome


Well-Known Member
yea i'm looking forward to that. did you just walk in and ask em if they wanted some of your pot, and they said ya?

and what did you get for it?


Active Member
yea i'm looking forward to that. did you just walk in and ask em if they wanted some of your pot, and they said ya?

and what did you get for it?
pretty much...i called ahead...but yeah i walked in and they were patient? and I replied my semi rehearsed..."no dropping off". Suddenly everyone in the waiting room starts staring at my backpack. I feel like that guy with the fries in the elevator in that old mcd's ad. They low ball me at 220, i vouch by listing my nutrients and conveinently change the subject when they ask how long I've been growing. I end up with 1800 for 6 ounces of my AK. But it was even more gratifying to hear them say it was grown extremely well- i had to hide my shit eating grin. Some say I got ripped off, that I could have gotten 320...maybe 350....but ya was only my first, and i didn't have to hustle not one person for that, no late night pages, no fronting, no bullshit..... just a totally legal exchange of medication. I love California.


Well-Known Member
fuck yea that sounds amazing. i'm thinking of doing the same cept i have friends drooling over the prospect of my homegrown, so i'll probably end up breaking it up a bit more than that. but $300 an oz ain't bad, haha they're stoked too they'll sell it for 60-70-80 an eigth and double their money.

we gonna have to trade strains! my diesel is the best of the bunch in terms of weight but my choc.thai smells dank as fuck, those that didn't get seeded even more so. i also have WW and candy shiva and super shiva in veg right now, bout to flower them as soon as i get my current yanked.