First GrowOp: Seeking Sage Wisdom and Advice

Greetings folks, happy hollydaze to Yah.

I'm currently in the process of reading Jorge Cervantez' GanjaGrow Bible and I'm to the point of researching for equipment that suits my grow space. The grow space for this first crop will be in a walk-in closet with no ceiling or door, it's merely a large walk-in closet (13-18(L)x6-10(W)x10(H) ft.). Now, one of my main concerns revolves around the issue of climate control, because this walk-in closet has no ceiling or door. Air moves freely above the wall that divides my sleeping area, bathroom, and closet and air also moves freely through the open portals that connect my room through the dividing wall to the bathroom, and eventually around a corner to the walk in closet. This free movement of air and lack of an isolated room makes climate-control very challenging.

Here are some ideas I've brainstormed so far:

1. Use a grow tent (big enough for 12 vivacious plants, maybe 8x4'?) to establish a microclimate that will be much more controllable in terms of C02 levels, humidity, temperature, and air flow. A grow tent will also provide much needed extra levels of reflection to amplify the amount of light received by plants. I live in a very dry climate so I'm thinking a humidifier will be needed to grow the happiest plants possible.

2. Attach an intake fan on the only vent in the closet, which is on the tile floor in the back of the closet (where the tent would be located). The vent leads down to the garage that my room was built atop. This intake fan would greatly improve air flow, pulling stale air out while drawing fresh air in. One problem with this fan deal is the fact that I don't really know if you can attach an intake fan or any sort of useful fan for the grow on a vent. In my mind, I'm imagining a simple process of removing the vent's cover and attaching some sort of an intake fan that fits the vent. Deep down inside, I know this is an utterly oversimplified approach, but maybe someone with more knowledge and experience can help provide a more nuanced plan.

I'm also struggling to solve the problem of cooling my lights by pulling hot air through vented fans attached to the lights. I have no ideas as to how I can properly draw hot air out of the lights, because I have no space to pull the hot air through a duct fan/vent system and I can't break any windows or walls to create an opening through which i could pull fresh air inside and/or expel hot, stagnant air outside.

In terms of lights, I'm leaning toward using adjust-a-wings with accessory super spreaders to spread light more evenly throughout the room and also allow for closer proximity between plants and lights (both of which supposedly improve quality and quantity of yield). I will use metal halide bulbs for veg and high pressure sodium for flower, duh . What do you all think about this choice? Are Adjust-a-wings with the super spreaders truly efficient? Does this setup really improve quantity and quality of yield?

Remember, this room is only temporary and needs to operate properly for only one harvest. Therefore, the room doesn't need to be too complex or elaborate, that will come with more time/experience and more ideal space to work with. I'm going to setup the grow-op within the next 2 weeks and then the clones will start in a week or two. They will bloom into prime form by april and I will have a new place by then with an enclosed room (or two ) that will be much more professional, functional, and efficient. At this point, I will either have 2 rooms (one for veg and one for flower) or 2 grow tents in one room to create a veg tent and a flower tent. Either way, after the first crop I will have clones and seedlings flourishing, becoming more green and more lush in one room or tent and I will have bountiful, beautiful girls flowering in the other room or tent. I will begin this cycle most likely by topping/cloning some of the first crop before the flowering stage, while the plants are still in veg. I will root these clones topped from the first crop in veg, and the clones will begin my clone/veg room while the first crop will start the flowering room after a week or two of rejuvenation post-topping.

I apologize for the long post, thanks in advance for the help! I'm looking forward to pondering the possibilities with you.