First grow


Active Member
:bigjoint:Yeah!! they look good ,
i think i learned a little water goes a long way
that last pic , that plant looks good , I think you need more light though
you can give that a new big 5 gallon pot now iIMO
what r you going to use for nutes?
Keep up the good work !


Well-Known Member
Thanks ecips! im going to be using fox farm cant remember the three names off hand. I haven't been able to use nutes yet. I was stuck using miracle grow soil :( its a starting mixed with peat and perlite that i mixed myself but theres still nutes in it. wasn't ideal but i had to work with what i had. picking up more lights tommorow for them. It's just a ghetto setup until my project is finished for my room.


Active Member
You got it ! , now ff make ocean forest ,somthing ? Can't remember at the moment
And if you can't get ff , look for frog soil , be carefull cause some times the soil is rich w nutes !
your little room looks sweet !! You could get a good first yeald in there IMO
dude clean setup !


Well-Known Member
thanks ecips i picked up 4 65watt cfl's to add supplemental lighting to my veg room and got home and realized they need a bigger socket! damn now i gotta buy ballast for them lol. as soon as i get that my veg room will have 100 watts aquarium grow lights 4 feet long and 4 65 watt cfls for a total of 360 true watts for veg.I think thats a good start for veg room.


Well-Known Member
the soil your thinkn of ecips is called happy frog. i personally use Roots Organic Potting Soil. i find it drains way easier than the ocean forest and never had trouble with over-fertilizing. i start using the House and Garden Soil A+B line for additional supplemental feeding about two weeks after planting in the soil. Both brands of soil are good quality, but IMO the Roots soil sustains a way healthier root mass because of the more available oxygen. hey never thought about that the name of the soil is Roots! lol.

Chameleon, your plants are gonna be nice and happy under all those lumens. good job dude.


Active Member
Wow , that's gonna help a alot , now I believe you new set of leafs should be larger in size due to more light !
thumbs ff grow big , ff tiger bloom , same here !
I also used b1 and aged sea kelp !! Very small amounts 2mil of both


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for all the input I take it all in! I have to work my other job tonight so I will snag some fixtures for my new bulbs and check out some soils I bought these expensive nutes that I don't dare use yet don't wanna nute burn my babies! I will keep chugging along even though it takes so long this is a fun ass hobby im loving it! I can see where its not good for some people a lot of trial and error and learning. But eventually I'm gonna have the best smoke around this area and only ppl that will have it are me and my friends lol. this area is lacking good weed and prices are sky high! And I get to have fun in the meantime. thx again guys!


Active Member
Fox farm is just as good as any other nutes , IMO
it probably responds to different strains as well IMO
It's noob friendly lol that's wha I've been told
as well as good directions
i would start with 1/2 dose


Well-Known Member
never used that line but you should be good. my friend used ff nutes with great results. just a little tip... always cut back on the nutrient dose to start out ( to about half ) just to see how your girls react.

did a bit of reading and i like how ff brews there liquid nutrients with castings and guano.... seems like it would sustain a nice biologically active soil.

i would recommend some enzymatic formula to aid in nutrient uptake and for the overall health of the plant. it keeps your soil clean and healthy. i use hygrozyme because its fucken awesome. but there are some other products too. look it up.


I'm no pro but i know from personal experience, a easy way to know if you need to water or not is to push your finger down in the soil some. If its wet 1-2 inch down wait till its dryer. Ive always had a problem of overwatering plants. Seems this is the only sure way i can do lol. When you water add enought to soak it down to the roots with a little run off. The extra runoff water allows the soil to be cleaned so you dont have nutreint build ups in the soil. Its ok to let the topsoil dry out some, i try to stick to 2/1 watering vs nut. 2 days of nute spray on fan leafs 3rd day water the soil.

When your plants are well established start off with a watered down "Nut mixture" so you dont over do it. i do 1/4 recomended dose then bost it up to 1/2 the next week and 3/4 the next and so forth. Get a good mist/sprayer and spray down the undersides of the leafs. I like to have a fan down below the canopy and spray towards that to help it blwo it on leafs. Just make sure to keep lights safe so they dont break from water.


Active Member
:bigjoint:That's a good idea , I never thought of mixing up a spray mix !!
Total noob lol
thumbs for the advise
sorry for the thread jack