First grow

hi i had a couple questions for my first time grow i hope you guys can help :mrgreen:

how many plants should i grow for my first time?

Can you tell me what and explain how to do flushing?

Should i grow soil or hydro?

can i have 2 tents in my house one for females and one for my pollinated female and will the one pollinted one effect the rest of my virgin females because the two tents are gunna be the same room just different tent?

Smucker G

Active Member
If you have male and female in the same room even in seperate tents you stand a good chance of pollinating all of them.
Soil/hydro personal preference. I feel like soil is less hassle.
Lots of posts on flushing just do a search.
How many plants you go with will be determined by what your light set up will be.
Good luck

seed slaya

Active Member
i definitly wouldnt recomend putting the males n females together even if there in diff tents all it takes is for you to open it up once some pollen to sneak out(and it will) and you wont be happy: p
for your first grow def go with soil as hydro is very unforgiving if you mess up
flushing is simply feeding your plants nothing but pure water for the last to weeks of flowering before you harvest

and the amount of plants all depend on how big your tent is : p
anyways happy growin


Active Member
if you grow from seed, just kill the males.. i prefer hydro, but im hands on with them everyday.. (OCD).. but soil is much easier. i like having no mess and no dirt.. everything in hydro is reusable except for the grow cubes... but that really goes for both. it just depends on how much time you want to invest.
ok thanks for all the repleys you guys were all helpfull but im still trying to decide if i want to keep a male and scarifice one of my females so i can have alot of seeds so i dont have to keep buying more and what if i had one tent in one room in my basement and another tent on the other side of the basement in a different room can the other ones still be pollinated? and the tent that im gettin the only difference betweeen the soil and hydro version is that instead of using rocks you use soil and the soil takes up more space in the tent so that meeans less plants.


Active Member
If you are going for seeds you can just wait a week or so after the male shows sex. Once you have some pollen sacs that are big and unopened. You can just pull those off and put them in a container, they will open in a few days to just over a week. Then just use a q-tip dip it in the pollen and brush the q-tip on the hairs "buds" of some lower branch buds. If you are going for long term pollen storage you'll want to separate the pollen from the sacs and keep it as dry as possible then freeze.


Active Member
hi cleveland
I would grow 2 or 3 plants first grow
Flushing is just washing all the neuts and salts out of the plants with pure water
Hydro no doubt, bigger yeilds, less pests, more control
I would setup 2 tents in the same room, use one as a vegatative area and the other for flowering

as a beginner, you dont want to make seeds, leave that for professional breeders

just pick your best plant and take a few clones from it to use as your next generation, then throw them in the veg tent and move the bigger plants from there to the flower tent
hey shadeslay
i just want to have one plant with seeds so i can regrow the same strain and have the others ones for bud and how many males should i keep ?
hey plebscrubber

i was thinking of getting a smaller plant for like just 5 plants just till i get the hang of growing than move on to the bigger one and can i just use the same tent for veg. and flowering?


Well-Known Member
as above just keep 1 mother plant and take cuttings of her when you need them rather than going the seed root! much faster and guaranteed females every time!


Active Member
hey shadeslay
i just want to have one plant with seeds so i can regrow the same strain and have the others ones for bud and how many males should i keep ?
You'll never need more then 1 male of any one strain, as 1 male can pollinate likely a rather large field. More then likely you'll only need a couple to a dozen pollen sacs. I pollinated 5-8 smaller buds each on two of my widows and should end up with 50-80 seeds. While still maintaining the bulk of the bud and all of the tops from the two plants as seedless.

As pointed out if you are going for mostly the same strain you might as well clone them.


Well-Known Member
hey robsterb

so if you take cutting off the mother its guraanteed females everytime?
and how do u do the cutting thing?
yes if you pick a good female mother from your current seeds every single cutting you take from her will be female! from the first to the millions, you can keep the same mother for years, as far as taking the cuttings its a easy thing to do,

buy yourself a heated propagator, some razor blades, some peat pucks, and rooting hormone (i use clonex) fill a bowl with water and put your peat pucks in(for however many cuttings) now clean your new razor blade, I boil the kettle and pour the water over blade then dry, some use alcohol to clean, place some rooting gel into a separate bowl, now your ready to start taking cuttings.

your peat pucks should of swelled up by now, re-poke the holes into them for the cuttings, take your razor blade (i like to dip it in rooting gel) and cut your cutting off the plant at a 45 degree angle, dip straight into the rooting gel, making sure you get plenty on the bottom what sits into the puck, then place into the peat puck, make sure once its in that the hole is closed around the stem so the cutting doesn't move around, now take some scissors and cut every leave down to about a quarter, then place into propagator, then mist the leaves, the cutting have no roots so cant drink the usual way so you have to mist the leaves once a day until theve got roots(7-10 days) in the beginning take double the amount you need in-case any die, make sure you don't touch them to check for roots and they will be fine, you will see the roots sticking through the pucks when there ready!

Iwill find some pictures to help you along, heres a link, this shows you how, and heres another one to show you where to take cutting from really easy to do,

props go to taint for the first set of photos.
