First Grow...


Well-Known Member
Haha, there is a reason they use it for coolers, keeps hot/cold air in to keep your food/coffee hot or cold. Grow is still looking good!


Active Member
Considering the cost and difficulties in setting separate places for vegetating and flowering, i decided to use a constant 13/11 lighting schedule for the entire grow both for vegetating and flowering.

It's said that 10 or more hours of dark period is good for flowering. Sativas are said to need more dark hours than indicas do. Some sativas require more than 14 hours of darkness in order to start flowering. Some indicas flower with as few as 10 dark hours.

12/12 is a well known method, preferred by many (criticized by many too though). With this method, plants don't get much bushy and said to have flowers mainly on the main stem nodes. (12/12 from seed: A different way to grow)

13/11 is also used by many for flowering stage. So if 12/12 can be ok for vegetating then 13/11 can do better. Well, for flowering, considering the fact that the most of the plants in the room are indica dominant, 11 hours could do it.

I don't know let's see. It is the reality's limitations which forces this to happen, it can't be labeled as one of my other bad decisions anyway :clap:


Active Member
They seem to be doing ok. They have recovered from the heat stress i guess. Badly burnt ones started to grow new and nice leaves. Slightly burnt ones are already flowering, there are some fat white hairs all around them :bigjoint:

Plants are under 13/11 for a couple of days. Constant 13/11 will be used for all the plants from now on (also for seeds and clones!). Young plants will be under an MH and the older ones under an HPS.

This is how they look:



Active Member
It's been only five days under 13/11 light cycle and see how they look!

They don't seem to smell much, that's what bothers me... Does this mean that they are not potent enough or what? Well, i'm also happy that they don't stink, because i haven't set up a way to get rid of the odor yet :)

