First grow with LST. All criticism is welcome.


Active Member
sweet, by the sounds of it i was figuring it would.. :blsmoke:
It is so awesome! Not a hint of smell AT ALL!!! Here a few pics of the box opening. I had to chop the runt early to feed my personal as the filter sucked up my bud $$$ All trikes were cloudy but only a few were amber. The other two sunks have a week or less left. The white widow has 3 weeks more as a guess. I fed her nutes tonight and molasses and will do one more nute feeding on the WW and then Harvest my pride and joy. When its just the WW left I'm dropping the 1000Watter right down on it as close as I can go without burning her!:mrgreen:

Last pic is the shot of the bonus interior sock.



Active Member
The smaller girl was pulled as it seemed to finish a lil quicker then the other. I also wanted some heady weed too but most I'll leave go to maturity. It took me almost 4hrs to trim her up... is that too long am I being too picky?


Well-Known Member
The smaller girl was pulled as it seemed to finish a lil quicker then the other. I also wanted some heady weed too but most I'll leave go to maturity. It took me almost 4hrs to trim her up... is that too long am I being too picky?

you still choppin' 'n trimmin'? lol... it's been 3 days...


Active Member
cool... happy blazin' 2 ya!! bongsmilie

how's the others lookin?
Looking good considering the mite damage. I'm a bit bitter I haven't been able get rid of them. I'm using Ladybugs for the last week. The other two are getting cut down on Sunday and then the WW will start her flushing.

If I had to guess I would say I got 2 ounces from it.


Active Member
Okay so the three skunks yielded me 7 OZ of cured bud.:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen: I'm still growing the WW here are some pics and we will see how much longer we have. I think 1.5 - 2 weeks. What are your opinions?

Sorry about the color of the HPS light in the photos I will have to see about some filters...



Well-Known Member
BEAUTIFUL MAN!!!! Nice yield from the 3 skunks, especially if it's just for personal use... That WW looks freakin awesome, i'm very impressed.. Overdue update, yes, but that was well worth the wait... WOW!

I'm gonna guess 9 more days, then chop... :bigjoint:

P.S.... updated my journal too, it had been almost a week, lol... i'll get a shitty pic or two up later tonight.. lol


Active Member
LOL Thanks yeah it's all personal. If I keep a steady pace with how much I'm using now it should last me quite a while. :bongsmilie: I'm on my way over to your thread right now. :-)


Active Member
so thats 4 plants in one pot???

No man she's a three foot diameter bush, 1 bush LST'd to the max (Vegged for 13 weeks/Flower 8-9 weeks. I got the microscope out looking for those amber trics.:bigjoint:). It is my first grow and I did a lot of things I shouldn't have to these girls. Spidermites, Nuteburn, PH Lock the list goes on but I have learned copious amounts of knowledge about growing fine bud and general hortorculture or how ever it is spelled. I haven't grown anything super crazy and dense yet but I will. My total dried weight from these four girls is at a close estimate of 10-11oz.(approximating on the one still growing.) I harvested the three skunks earlier (Some pics back a few pages) A bit early but had to due to running outta smoke. :wall:

Thanks for stopping by Scwascwa. Stay tuned for the finish if you wish... BTW this girl is a orphanated bagseed cross with white rhino or some shit so I'm told but I'm going with bag seed. Hahaha


Active Member
If I get 11oz dried from this grow it will be approx. 0.31 grams per watt. Not good but not bad. Scwascwa what do you get roughly gram/per watt on CFL's?