First Grow with Barneys Nightshade(homemade box)


Well-Known Member
The times that I did the veg-bloom switch, I would give them all a straight water flush (not too heavy) right before switching them to flower, and then let them get fairly dry before their next feed/water and start lightly with the bloom feeding on the first round. Depending on how often you need to water, you could even give them another small straight water feeding before switching to the bloom nutes...

...but that's just how I happened to do mine.

As for leaves yellowing, well mine are doing that now too, but only a few leaves - the rest of the plant is looking nice still... it's a tough call, but I think ususally when the whole leaf yellows, it's more to do with over-watering and not over-feeding...


Active Member
Think i will take your advice and give them a bit of a flush once they have dried from there last watering(which may be tom) then again let them dry and start slowly on the bloom food!!
Glad to here your ladies are doing fine!!

Will get pics up soon!!


Active Member
Decided that i would water all the girls today as they all felt quite dry!!
Stopped the veg food and just gave them water and a lot of it!(2 litres) Cultivated the soil in each pot with a fork then pour'd the water through them while they are sitting in a bucket to let the water drain all the way through!! Once i was happy that most of the water had run through i put them back under the light, gave them all about 10 mins then went back and checked their trays that they sit in to make sure there was no standing water around the bottom of the pots!!
Of course they shouldn't need feeding for a bit now but when i do feed them next it will be with the bloom food i have at the same ratio as the veg food!!(3ml to 1 litre water)

Starting to see a few hairs now and its not even 1 full week in flower yet!! Looking Good Feeling Good!!! lol

Oh yeah just incase anyone wishes to know my box dimensions are:- Height: 4ft Length: 3ft and Depth: 2ft
Not massive but 5 is the most plants i want flowering at any one time with the hope of arranging it so i will have 5 plants flowering and 5 plants in veg under fluros and then work it so i will harvest every 4/6 weeks!! thats the big picture!! whether i can get to that..........we will have to see

If i start 5 more seeds now it will take 5 weeks to get them so they are ready to flower, which means the ones now will have about another 2 weeks or so of flower left and then im thinking at least 2 weeks to dry and cure!!!
So by the time this nightshade is done ready to smoke, the next 5 seeds should be half way through flower with 4 weeks left + 2 weeks dry/cure

Have got new pics but still no batteries but very soon!!! to be honest not a great deal of difference from last photos but will still put them up!! will try and get a few close up shots but as everyone says my camera aint all that!!!


Active Member
Please can anyone tell me why at one time when i look at my baby girls they look great with the leaves heading towards the light etc and then a little later on they look all floppy and they keep doing it fine one minute then looking a bit wilted etc the next!!
Its starting to worry me a little!!
The temp and humidity are ok being at an average of 26'c and 50%
Been feeding as soon as the top inch or so of the soil is dry but i have only been giving them 3ml of veg food instead of the 5ml it says on the bottle! due to the fact ive read that Nightshade don't like to much nutes!! Is this the problem????? not enought food??!!!!!

Ive just given them all a little flush(which in my eyes never hurts plus people say its a good idea before i introduce the bloom food!! which all makes sense.... to me anyway)

So what can i do to cure the problem?????

Will be using bloom next feed.... do i use 3ml bloom like the veg or the recomended 5ml????

Please help!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
doesn't sound like anything is wrong..... your plants are going through a transition from veg to flower, its kind of like puberty for people..... after every flush I always give 1/2 strength nutes to supplement what was lost in the flush, ;)


Active Member
But my girls have been doing it awhile!! even before switching to flower!!
Oh well mabe i should be worring less but as a fairly new dad im sure you all know what im going through!!!!!!!

Took more pics this morning and im now gonna try and put them on here but im using batteries that i found and luckly had enough power to take some pics, so hoping its got enough power to put them on the computer!!! Infact im going to try and put them on now and then i will update!!

And thanks Dragon for reply straight away!! muich apperciated!!!!
If you need anything just holler!!!!!!!!!!!!

New pics in a mo!!!! hopefully!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
+rep!!! :peace:

Hey Baggins - sounds like your transition to flower is going well! From what you're saying, it sounds like your girls are really soaking up the water you're giving them!! It may be a good idea to invest in a moisture meter and watch how low in the pot(s) the moisture is when you start to notice them looking droopy... Don't be too concerned with the drooping though - I like to look at it as a good way to monitor how the plant is using it's moisture and to use it to physcially determine when to feed/water more. I think maybe waiting 1-2 more days after you start to see them droop is a good way to obtain a watering/feeding schedule... at this point, watering every 3 days or so should be plenty, and once you start feeding bloom nutes, that may change again as you alternate between straight water and nute-waterings... One other thing you may want to consider is trying a little foliar feeding with straight ware as well, to perk up the plants between soil feeding/watering... :weed:

I also read somewhere not too long ago, that it's not a good idea to use nutrient-enriched water on dry soil, so you might want to give a small amount of straight water to each plant before applying the nutes... just an idea. Oh, and one last thing - I've been getting into the habit of shaking up my water really good before applying it. This oxygenates the water and is supposed to be really good for the roots. I've been getting water from my rain-barrel and shaking it up good before mixing in my nutes/molasses.... seems to be helping. :joint:


Active Member
this is bullshit i just wrote a full write up with pics etc then it says get a fucking security token had to back up and now all my work has fucking gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bollocks to this fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

end of the line

Well-Known Member
well.......After lookin at the pics, your plants look ok to me.
I noticed mine likes to droop towards the end it her day cycle, then when she wakes up, shes fine.


Active Member
Thats whats happening too mine now in the morning there great and towards the end of the day they droop!! Gonna start feeding bloom food tom if the pots are dry enough!! Going to give them same ratio as i did with the veg food(3ml per 1 litre water)



Active Member

Just fed the girls with their first hit of bloom food(hope they like it!!) 3ml to 1 litre water. Im thinking of uping that amount after the next watering to the recomended dose of 5ml!!
Starting to see quite a few hairs now on all plants!! so im pretty sure their all female!! it strange to see the difference in all the plants, i know or think that 1 of the girls is a Blue Cheese and the rest are the Nightshade, but due to not keeping an eye on which seed was what when i germinated them im not sure!!! Dont forget 1 of the plants never took off and i got rid of it and for all i know that may well have been the single Blue Cheese i had!! So they could all be Nightshade but every plant is different, some a bit more sparse with the leaves etc and 1(the main and strongest 1 from the start) is filled right out like a tight xmas tree(always in the centre of the pics)

Answer to your question Dragon........When the light comes on at 7am i get up and open the window fully in the spare room where the box is, turn on my air cooler which ionise the air as well and leave the door open so the cooler can pull fresh air into!!! theres a small circulating fan inside the box which is on constant(while the light is on and for 5mins after) in the box blowing just above the plants!!
Oh yeah the air cooler also humidifys too as it holds 7.5 ltrs of water in it!!!

Couple of pics, not sure if ive already put them up but hay ho!!!

May think about doing a full write up from day1 again with all the facts and my concerns like i tried to do last time.......3hrs last time just for me to try to upload it all with pics and for it to say i need a security token then put me back a page but with none of the writing or pics!!!!! As u might have relized from some of my msgs i was NOT a happy boy!!! But ive smoked a bit now and have the urge again!!!! we will see!!!!!

Today is the start of week 2 in flower!!!!! YIPPPPEEEEEEE



Active Member
Morning peeps!!!!! Right....... My girls didn't like their bloom food!!!!!!! THEY BLOODY LOVED IT!!!!! lol
Been keeping a eye on my ladies since i gave them there dose of bloom food and i tell you what, they are all reaching for the light big time!!! or mabe they are just trying to give me a big hug to say thank you!! lol

All plants have grown over a inch since i fed them, which in turn ment i had to raise the light up a inch or so to keep them about a foot away!!( glad i kept an eye on them!!) and as i said at the top, they are all reaching up to the light BIG time.

Temp and humidity been pretty good average of 26'c or just under and the humidity about 50%

Finding it hard to fit all my lovely ladies in the box! Im really trying to make sure they dont overlap because it does my head in(bit of o.c.d)

Still have the urge to do a full write up on the grow up till now, but may be later or tom.

Took new pics today and yesterday, not loads going on but they look great, especially when there all trying to catch the light( just hope that when i try to add them to this msg, it dont all disappear again!!!! i will NOT be amused!!!!)

Will do pics in batchs of 2/3 to be safe!! takes me a while to upload them but sod it!! i'll roll 1 while im doing it!!!lol Here goes!!!

