First Grow with Barneys Nightshade(homemade box)


Well-Known Member
Baggins, I see serious problems ahead for you me old china plate......................!!!!!

Problem you're gonna have is deciding which of these lovely women to smoke first. You are gonna be one stoned mo fo:bigjoint:

I like this pic, it's almost like a round ball or a globe, beautiful




Active Member
Cheers DST!!!

Actually i do have a bit of a prob right now!!!

Some of the little leaves right at the top and right next to the main bud on some of my girls are looking a bit burned or somthing!!! im not sure what it is but its got me all in a panic.
I dont think the lights too close but i have moved it up a couple of loops!!

Will go and take some photos in a mo and chuck them on so you can see what im on about!!

Also i have done a small vid!!! its not great but will put it up anyway, mainly because you will also see on there a few other worries i have!!(yellow leaves with twisted ends!! small brown blotches on some fan leaves etc)

I will be at the end of week 6 in a few days and i dont want to lose all my hard work at this stage because the buds look bloody lovely and smell great!!

Any help would be great!!!

Wheres all my growers in shininng armour!!! lol

Stay Strong Peeps!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok Baggins, waiting for the don't get me nervous with negative talk (especially not infront of the young girls;-))

I would love to see your plants that you are not having problems with, they must look out of this world:lol:)

Peace DST


Mornin! Wake N Bake! bongsmilie

Seems like you're at the time when those leaves should be withering away to provide more body to your buds. My guess is that is what is happening since other typical problems such as high heat or light are unlikely issues to develop at this stage (since you obviously have gotten this far), and as for nut burn... well you should prolly be flushing em soon since harvest is coming up right?

Got me some Night Shade on the way if all goes well with the mail /xfingers!

1 ~V~


Active Member
Heres the pic but its not the best!!!
You can just make out the brown marks etc on some of the little leaves!!!

What is it???!!!



Well-Known Member
So here is how I would analyse it. The general look of the plants are good. Which would lead me to believe that whatever happens you will end up with good:fire:.
At the stage of the plants flowering (week 6) the plant is naturally going through it's stages of putting all energy into it's fruit. I think the spots you are seeing are some sort of nutrient being sucked out the leaves. Perhaps a bit earlier than you want because it's never good to see something you have grown starting to look disheveled and all ropey...but that's what seems to happen.
So it's a 55-65 day flower, you are on day 42, effectively you could be finished in under 2 weeks (doubt you want that...or perhaps you do) so lets say it goes to 9 weeks, that's 3 weeks away, 2 or 3 feeds (depending on your schedule) and a flush, and then a couple of days in the dark. By that time the plants will look like $hit - no prizes at Kew Gardens for their looks (unless you like bud:leaf:)

Plagron Royalty mix is organic, you are adding ferts, your plant is using them like a mother fo! Add some more if you want in ur next feed, (I have always thought you were quite liberal with their usage - but then the soil's got goodies as well;-)) Give them a good flush, then feed them again, and then finish them off with a flushing. But since you are using organics, I would say about a week before chopping you can flush. I use to do it 2 weeks, and I think you will notice the difference if you keep feeding up to week 8 (or the week b4 you harvest.)

Alternatively you could start compensating with adding more phosphorus (which you are doing with the P+K anyway) Phosporus problems can sometimes give dark spots on leaves or make them go reddish brown, make the tips look burnt...but this is whats happening imo anyway naturally.

Or you could also say its a Potassium problem, with yellowing leave veins and burning around the edges...but again, IMO your buds are doing this to the plant (Look at the stinkyness of them:lol:)

So best thing to do, again in my op, is to up that PK 13+14 bru, now, get it in there while the going is good.

Other than that, gonna be happy times in the Baggins hoos fae sure'in;-)

Peace and happy growingness - DST

off to role another fatty of Headband -:bigjoint:


Active Member
Cheers DST and MCFUNK!!

I been looking at it the other way and wondering if i had over fed them and it was nute burn i was seeing!!!!

So what im thinking of doing is like you said,
Feed for another week but may leave the molasess out of it and just give them bloom and pk then from next week im thinking of just flushing them till there done!!! I had planned to harvest/finish on the 26-11-09 which would be excatly 8 weeks, but may leave them a bit longer!!!!

Stay Strong Peeps!!!


Active Member
Cheers DBO!!!

Another proper update the weekend!! Just to see if ive pulled all my hair out trying to figure out whats going on with my baby girls!!!

Thanks all for your help so far!! will def be needing more so please stick around peeps!!!

Stay Strong!!!


Active Member
Just a quick question!!

Is there any reason why my girls dont smell as strong as they did about a week ago???!! The temp is down a little more than norm to about 23.5'c but would that be the only reason??!! i have always thought that the plants are ment to get stronger in smell the longer they go on!!

Am i worried about nothing!! because apart from the little problem with the marks on some leaves near the buds and the smell dying down, they look bloody yummy!!!!

Stay Strong Peeps!!

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Looking nice Baggins! I grew Nightshade over the summer. Nice herb. Mine would have been better if I didnt have the heat problems I had but yours look fantastic! Congrats


New Member
Just a quick question!!

Is there any reason why my girls dont smell as strong as they did about a week ago???!! The temp is down a little more than norm to about 23.5'c but would that be the only reason??!! i have always thought that the plants are ment to get stronger in smell the longer they go on!!

Am i worried about nothing!! because apart from the little problem with the marks on some leaves near the buds and the smell dying down, they look bloody yummy!!!!

Stay Strong Peeps!!
I think partway through the grow you stop being able to smell it as much. For example, I thought the room didn't smell at all and someone walked in and went "woaaaaah smells like a grow op" but it didn't smell to me, there had just been some buds in there after harvesting it wasn't a grow op room or anything.


Active Member
If it aint 1 thing its another!!!! Bloody heater has just fu*ked up on me!!! i just checked the room where the box is and the heater that should turn off at 24'c and keeps the temp in the box at about 19/20'c, well it was at 39'c!!!!!!!AAAAaaaaarrrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!! temp in box was 34'c!!!!!

Turned off heater open window for a bit and door to get the heat down!!! will sort some other way to heat the room!!!!

Hope the girls are ok!!! I cant see them because the lights off!!!!!!!

Will be PRAYING big time tonight before i go a kip!!!

Stay Strong!!!!( Coz im def NOT!!!)


Active Member
Ok!!! so this is what ive decided to do:

Sunday morning im going to run 3 litres of plain water through the pots then another 2 litres of water with 5ml bloom food(recomended amount is 10ml) + 3ml pk 13-14 (recomended dose) will also be adding 1 tablespoon of molasses!!

Im hoping that the first 3 litres of water will clear any problems with the soil, such as it being locked up with nutes etc! and then the following 2 litres with the food in should stop any deficiency happening!! if you see what im thinking??!!

After this weekend im thinking of feeding 1 more time about the 18/11/09 that is the start of week 8 flower and from then on i will be flushing up till their done about 10 days or so!!

So really with a 48hrs dark as well at the end i should be harvesting all going well about the 1/12/09 but may prolong that so it all ends on the 5/12/09 which will be a saturday and give me plenty of time to do the job!!!

Let me know what you think of my plan! good/bad idea??!!

Stay Strong Peeps!!

More pics this weekend hopefully!!!


Active Member
Now for the damn right ugly!!!!

If you know what the problem is let me know PLZ!!!!!!!!

The pics are of the very top bud on 1 of my girls but there is a few tiny marks on some of the others and i want to get it sorted!!!

Stay Strong Peeps!!