First Grow-White Widow,Rubbermaid,CFLs


Active Member
Ok so to start out let me first thank you all for having such a informative forum,without it I wouldn't really have ever considered growing.

Anyway heres what I got going:
Two NIRVANA WHITE WIDOW SEEDS are currently germinating in paper towels,in a few days they will be planted in a nice soiless seed starter mix in jiffypots and put under several cfls in my rubbermaid growbox,and after a few weeks they will be transplanted into bigger pots and begin flowering almost immediately. I plan to use LST to keep them bushy and low though I might also plant them in wider pots in order to increase bushiness to.

I intend to control odor using ona blocks,a small ozone generator,and a gonzo odor eliminator as needed.

Well there you have it. I am going to be reducing my computer time for awhile so the updates might be sporadic and may or may not always include pictures but ill try to keep you all updated even if that update is only a few words at times.

Anyway I'm excited to finally be starting,my setup is not optimal but should do fine,and need to get high so ill be doing that,cya:-P


Active Member
Maybe you all can help me out,some say I should go with scrog over LST,what do you think?

btw still germinating my seeds.....


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Anyone got a comment? Maybe you could reassure me that my seeds will germinate because its been 2 days and I'm a bit worried.


Active Member
Yeah I know but still being new at this I'm always wondering if I'm doing something wrong,like for example is it warm enough in the dark Place I Put it? I'm not sure.


Active Member
What do you all think of my odor control plans? Even though its only going to be a small grow I would have made a carbon filter but NO ONE would help me figure out what kind of fan I needed so I decided to go with this strategy instead. Ive heard great things about gonzo and ona.


Active Member
Kewl man,just be sure to remember that as first time growers we will make mistakes. HOPEFULLY our girls will survive though,lol!


Active Member
just dont give up hope either. i thought i was gonna loose one but its comin back strong! im excited to watch your grow and see the differences from soil and soiless


Wow, are you my bearded evil twin or somethin? I just started an almost exact grow as you about a week ago! Subscribed, what lighting are you using and how do you plan to deal with heat? Mine are coming along slowly but it's way too hot for my taste (90-95) with 1 120mm fan.


Well I thought the same think but it really depends on the wattage. My house is 70-78 but with 45w cfls it's scorching in there!


Active Member
As Ive said many times I had intended to make a carbon filter,that very one in fact, but NO ONE would help me figure out what kind of fan I would need for it.