First grow this year


Can you guys tell me whether these look close to ready? I do not have a microscope. Will a magnifying glass help me with the Trichs at all?



Well-Known Member
The first and second pictures they look ready to me the last one I think the camera flash blurred it a little. Just make sure about 75-80% of the pistills are brown/orange/red e.t.c( dependant to strain yours are brown)


Berry Bomb and Cheese Bomb. It's a guerrilla grow and I'm kicking myself in the ass for not doing a better job but I'm so busy with work and two pets at home. Gonna prep better this winter for next seasons grow. I'll tell you this, Bomb is what they say they are. Easy peasy, with little care, although I did make a decent soil mix which carried them through. I have some Cluster bomb too that did pretty well. Appreciate the responses and yeah, the flash screwed that one pic.


Well-Known Member
It's up to you at the end of the day bruv. Do you want taste and high if so cut her now. Do you want yield and a smoke that is really heavy if so wait a week or more.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate it man, might have to hit up Radio Shack tomorrow for that micro. I was thinking the same thing about 1 more week. Rain the last few days and cool temps have me worried about mold too.
Rain??? Cut her now bruv you will completely ruin the smoke. !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the rain, but if you can, save some of the rain water. My plants seem to love a good shower.
Just be careful of mold.

A good shake of the branches to get rid of excess water between showers will help, along with good air flow.


Well-Known Member
Don't worry about the rain, but if you can, save some of the rain water. My plants seem to love a good shower.
Just be careful of mold.

A good shake of the branches to get rid of excess water between showers will help, along with good air flow.
My main worry as you said would be the mould. I grow indoors so I'm just thinking that water causes humidity, and humidity causes mould. But I suppose now I think about it that outdoors might not matter so much as you have constant wind that will get rid of most excess water. But I live in UK so when I say rain I mean very cold and when it rains it doesn't stop for days here. So in the UK it is nearly impossible to do outdoors as the weather is unpredictable.


Well-Known Member
My main worry as you said would be the mould. I grow indoors so I'm just thinking that water causes humidity, and humidity causes mould. But I suppose now I think about it that outdoors might not matter so much as you have constant wind that will get rid of most excess water. But I live in UK so when I say rain I mean very cold and when it rains it doesn't stop for days here. So in the UK it is nearly impossible to do outdoors as the weather is unpredictable.
I understand now, I thought you meant like the rain would wash the trichs off or something.
Parts of the US is like your weather, when I was on the west coast, when we got rain, it was usually for a solid week if not more, but where I am now, it's usually a day or two, sometimes just a single cloud passing by with sun before and after.