First grow, T5 fluorescents


I'll update with some pics tomorrow, The hairs are starting to change to a reddish color now and I actually pulled a little bottom nug and dried it. Smelled like grass but it wasn't to harsh and they high was pretty good, really good upbeat/body high. Imma get one of those 30x magnifiers and check the trichs. Bad news is that the sativa is shooting out some bananas......I'm not gonna try and pick all of them and just let it do its thing. Imma harvest in about 3 weeks maybe a month. Even if its gonna be early i have no choice. Rather have less sensimilla then more seeded bud.


Well-Known Member
Na the whole purpose of this thread was to see what t5 can do the whole way through. Yes hps would be better but this is an experiment.


Alright RIU, I finally got around to updating with some pics. Sorry for the long delay, been really busy since its the end of my semester. How was everyone's 420? Mine was pretty good. Made some hash, it was my first time actually making enough to get stoned. It lasted like 2 days ha. My plants are doing great, besides the huge sativa is spitting out bananas which blows, should have sprayed it with the "reverse" when i sprayed the others. So I think harvest is coming soon right, well wrong. I haven't gotten a 30x magnifier yet but the buds have recently started growing bigger and bigger, making more hairs. I mean that's good because that's more bud, but i want harvest to come already ya know. Its all good tho, that just means that T5's are doing their job. I have read that flowering with T5's do take longer then HPS, but its a small price to pay for the heat reduction. I know if I had an HPS there would be no way i could have kept the heat out of my closet. I woulda had spend another few hundred on controlling the heat. I'm gonna get an HPS after this run tho because I'm moving and will have a nice walk-in closet. Oh and thanks for all the support

Happy Growin :leaf:



nice plants! those look tasty as hell. i guess t5's kick ass. what medium did you grow in? how did those t5's preform when you were vegging? im using a hps/mh since i only have one grow box for now. but when i do have multiple rooms i want t5 ho's for vegging and wanted to get someone's imput and it looks like you know how to use them my good sir.


nice plants! those look tasty as hell. i guess t5's kick ass. what medium did you grow in? how did those t5's preform when you were vegging? im using a hps/mh since i only have one grow box for now. but when i do have multiple rooms i want t5 ho's for vegging and wanted to get someone's imput and it looks like you know how to use them my good sir.
well i would say T5's for vegg is your best bet man. My plants grew wonderfully under the T5's and were pretty bushy. They're just not all that amazing in flowering. Dont get me wrong you can flower with them but an HPS would be better. I went with some FF ocean Forest and perlite. Go T5 for veg bruh, that's what imma do when im done with this grow.

Happy Growin :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Alright RIU, I finally got around to updating with some pics. Sorry for the long delay, been really busy since its the end of my semester. How was everyone's 420? Mine was pretty good. Made some hash, it was my first time actually making enough to get stoned. It lasted like 2 days ha. My plants are doing great, besides the huge sativa is spitting out bananas which blows, should have sprayed it with the "reverse" when i sprayed the others. So I think harvest is coming soon right, well wrong. I haven't gotten a 30x magnifier yet but the buds have recently started growing bigger and bigger, making more hairs. I mean that's good because that's more bud, but i want harvest to come already ya know. Its all good tho, that just means that T5's are doing their job. I have read that flowering with T5's do take longer then HPS, but its a small price to pay for the heat reduction. I know if I had an HPS there would be no way i could have kept the heat out of my closet. I woulda had spend another few hundred on controlling the heat. I'm gonna get an HPS after this run tho because I'm moving and will have a nice walk-in closet. Oh and thanks for all the support

Happy Growin :leaf:
Fuck yea dude! Them bitches look great for some t5's. I'm so glad you did this! I have been wanting to do this for the same reason you said about the heat issue in the closet. Do you even need or have an exhaust?rep.


Fuck yea dude! Them bitches look great for some t5's. I'm so glad you did this! I have been wanting to do this for the same reason you said about the heat issue in the closet. Do you even need or have an exhaust?rep.
Thanks Bruh, I'm glad i did it too, now at least i know first hand what T5's can do. Wont know the full extent of them until harvest. I just have a fan blowing in there and keep the closet door open when the lights are on, stays around 75-79F

Happy Growin :leaf:


Well-Known Member
woohoo! my T5 grow doesnt sound so fruitless anymore. only gunna be doing 2 myself, still waiting on the nirvana seeds bit i got 2 seedlings from some decent green i got recently going, and they are lovin the light. as for heat, it has been kinda hard to control it, during the day, i can have 2 boxfans on high (3spd) and barely keep it below 90. a lot of that is because with the light on all the time (well 18/6) i have to keep it closed most of the time so we can sleep, me and the gf have oppisite work schedules.

night time hits, and the gf forgets to turn the fans off.... scary stuff. shes told me she woke early and found it 67 with the fans still blowin full speed. that kind of cold while lights on freaked me out. now i have her set an alarm lol. anyways thanks for the posts again and like estes says, let us know about that dry weight! (fyi my local headshop had cheap led lit magnifiers for like 15 bucks, worth a look if even just a temporary investment)


I'll let you guys know for sure, I get more excited every day i look at them. They're about to get a tastay watering with Cha Ching. I'm surprised that its getting so hott in your closet Klosetking. I guess it could be where you live, it gets pretty hott where i live so i have to keep my AC on most the time. Keeps my apt temp at like 75 and only a few degrees higher in the closet. I only have one fan tho, and its pretty small. What lights are you running? 4b, 6b, 8b? I feel like this harvest is taking forever tho, that's a downfall to T5's tho, but its all good.

Happy Growin :leaf:


Well-Known Member
runnin the 6b setup, somethin around 25k lumens. havnt even ordered any warm bulbs yet, thats still a month down the line or so. iam thinking its what ive been using as a lining for the closet... tinfoil =( i couldnt go the mylar option just yet, and really its almost unecessary so iam considering taking it out, or replacing it with space blanket material. i have a feeling that would keep just as much heat in though, so for now ill just have to monitor those temps the old fashioned way until i get this all setup with my pc and fully automized ;)

oh, and iam in what could basically be considered a giant tin can, so during the day the heat doesnt need to be too high to make us bake inside (not the fun bake), and of course has the same effect at night losing heat quickly, i dont keep the therm on high cuz the bill would be insane


So today I officially flushed all my plants. Well I actually flushed the 2 big ones yesterday and the smaller one was flushed like a week ago. I'm choppin the small one in the next few days and giving the 2 big ones like 2 weeks. I think the sativa is probably not ready but im moving soon and It would be a pain having to move a 4ft plant in flowering......I'll let you guys know the dry weight for sure! I know your all waiting, cause so am I

Happy Growin :leaf:


Well-Known Member
woot goddamn right buddy cant wait to see it! i know how that moving shit goes, had to start flowering on mine early to fit in a move as well =(

ill be watching =D


Yeah it sucks, but i gotta get outta this place. I need a walk-in closet haha. Here's a pic of the small plant cut, right before it went to go hang and dry.

Happy Growin :leaf:


So the small plant after drying for 5 days, without curing. Weighed a total of like 23.5g's. I hooked up a buddy with an 1/8 cause he wanted some smoke, I told him it wasn't cured yet and that it would be much better in about a week. But he said it was already pretty smooth and that it was great bud. I'm STOKED! I'm thinking it will prolly gain some weight while it cures because its soaking moisture from the stem into the bud. I'm not sure how that all works tho. I cut down the Indica plant and trimmed it up and hung it to dry today. Here's a pic. That coin is a quarter...not a nickel.I'm thinking if i got that much off the small plant i should be getting like double on this one.IMG_0399.jpg

Happy Growin :leaf: