first grow problems - need help!


New Member
Ok so this is my Ww x Bb strain from female seeds it has been grown indoors in my closet in FFOF soil, was vegged for about 4 weeks in a 1 gal pot then transplanted to a 3 gal pot with FFOF and vegged until 6 weeks and then put into flowering, it has been 5 days into the cycle starting today. It's had these small problems before I put it into flowering. I thought maybe the plants problem was the Ph but I tested the Ph and it's 6.5 - 7 on the meter. The plant did have or still does have fungus gnats but bought this organic insecticide yesterday called fungicide 3 and sprayed that on the foliage and soil after I watered and fed it. The fungus gnats haven't been bad but I've seen a few or one at a time. Here's a picture of the girl (showed female preflowers) I can post more pictures or answer more questions just ask.



Active Member
What nutes are you using? Your problem definitely is not a pest problem right now but if it becomes one hang a no-pest strip for literally just 48hrs then toss that cancer stick because all the bugs will be dead. It's nutrients for sure. Also, what's the room temp?

Read some of Uncle Bens stuff on here, that'll probably do the most good before you've gotten 100 posts in with no major learning ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok so this is my Ww x Bb strain from female seeds it has been grown indoors in my closet in FFOF soil, was vegged for about 4 weeks in a 1 gal pot then transplanted to a 3 gal pot with FFOF and vegged until 6 weeks and then put into flowering, it has been 5 days into the cycle starting today. It's had these small problems before I put it into flowering. I thought maybe the plants problem was the Ph but I tested the Ph and it's 6.5 - 7 on the meter. The plant did have or still does have fungus gnats but bought this organic insecticide yesterday called fungicide 3 and sprayed that on the foliage and soil after I watered and fed it. The fungus gnats haven't been bad but I've seen a few or one at a time. Here's a picture of the girl (showed female preflowers) I can post more pictures or answer more questions just ask.
The Temps in your room are probably to hot which is causing the curling of the edges...
Also looks like a little nute burn just back of a little on the nutes....

Stop spraying your plant with shit and put an inch of perlite or diatomaceous earth on top to kill all bugs as they hatch and crawl out and to stop adult bugs from entering the soil to lay "eggs"
Also hang some fly paper (not the dollar store ribbons) to kill em off quicker...

Next time you buy soil from the store you can sterilize it in the oven first to kill all bugs in it before use...


New Member
What nutes are you using? Your problem definitely is not a pest problem right now but if it becomes one hang a no-pest strip for literally just 48hrs then toss that cancer stick because all the bugs will be dead. It's nutrients for sure. Also, what's the room temp?

Read some of Uncle Bens stuff on here, that'll probably do the most good before you've gotten 100 posts in with no major learning ;)
I was gonna use Mg for veg but didn't have too because of FFOF soil so I let it do it's thing without feeding it . Rather give too little then too much. I was gonna get some Mg bloom booster for flowering but idk if I should because a friend of mine gave me some bat guano for flowering so I was just gonna use that and keep it organic throughout the end of the grow. The temperature is above 80+ but under 90 degrees and I also have a sticky cancer stick like you said :D


Well-Known Member
I was gonna use Mg for veg but didn't have too because of FFOF soil so I let it do it's thing without feeding it . Rather give too little then too much. I was gonna get some Mg bloom booster for flowering but idk if I should because a friend of mine gave me some bat guano for flowering so I was just gonna use that and keep it organic throughout the end of the grow. The temperature is above 80+ but under 90 degrees and I also have a sticky cancer stick like you said :D
Next time use light warrior or a Mix of FFOF/Light warrior for seedlings because FFOF can burn... (if you insist on FF products)
Like i Said before use Perlite and Sticky Strips before a No-Pest strip...

Get the temps below 80 or yield will suffer....

What kind of Guano whats the NPK listed on it?


New Member
Npk is 0-5-0 on bat guano was going to mix 3 teaspoons to a gallon but if the temperature is above 80 with the lights on will the yield still suffer because it only gets that high when the lights are on and cools off when they are off. I am growing in a closet and there is a fan always blowing on it.


Well-Known Member
Npk is 0-5-0 on bat guano was going to mix 3 teaspoons to a gallon but if the temperature is above 80 with the lights on will the yield still suffer because it only gets that high when the lights are on and cools off when they are off. I am growing in a closet and there is a fan always blowing on it.
Its been awhile since ive used Guano so i cant speculate as to the amounts to use....
You can sprinkle the top layer with the guano or make a tea, top dressing is less work...
0-5-0 is good for flower but depending on how much nutes are still in the soil by then you will prob. need to add N & K also...

Raising the lights a bit may lower the temps around the plants enough...
Yes even if it is only above 80 when the lights are on the yield will suffer.. (unless you add CO2 but that doesnt apply here...)
If it doesnt go above ~80-82 you should be ok but by the looks of it it is hotter than 82...


Well-Known Member
are you sure they are fungus gnats and not root aphids? if they fly only around the root ball they are gnats, if they fly up to the light they are root aphids. for gnats use goGnats or diatomeceous earth etc, for root aphids, you are kind of screwed.

fungus gnats wont cause issues like that in your plant. that looks like nutrient burn to me, try plain water with a little peroxide or hygrozyme for a week and they should bounce back with just gnats and nute burn.


New Member
My leafs are pointing down, they look healthy as hell but the leafs keeping going up and down and up and down and I don't know why. They are pointing very far down, one leaf was touching the dirt. It is 5-6 weeks old. Please tell me what's up lol.

The leafs are not curling though, just pointing downward (they were in a dark cycle) they get 6 hours of dark a day


New Member
Yeah they are fungus gnats I am positive, I am already treating them though but would they cause something like that in a plant?
I think they came with the Fox Farms Ocean forest soil.


Well-Known Member
Pests could have been introduced into your grow by many ways.
In the soil, in the air, on your clothes, etc.
I use FFOF and haven't had any issues with pests from any bags, yet. (knock on wood)
I did pick up some bugs from some Miracle Grow soil once, though.


New Member
Ffof has produced me this wonderful lady, NO hate to them.
I think maybe I got them from one of their retailers that was sitting outside but I don't really know because I ordered it online and might have been contaminated with them on the trip here.
Anymore insight on what the problems could be ? Honestly I haven't had any further problems but I would like it where I have none and have a smooth first grow.
Maybe looking at the fan leaves in the picture and anyone handy dandy in growing could point me in the right direction?


Active Member
My leafs are pointing down, they look healthy as hell but the leafs keeping going up and down and up and down and I don't know why. They are pointing very far down, one leaf was touching the dirt. It is 5-6 weeks old. Please tell me what's up lol.

The leafs are not curling though, just pointing downward (they were in a dark cycle) they get 6 hours of dark a day
for me it looks like plant is sleeping at night. 10 min or something before turning lights off leaves should go down.