First grow outdoors, pics included. any tips?

Hey fellow rollitup members. Long time viewer, first time poster. Ive started these babies from seed, right in the ground, from about 4 1/2 weeks ago. This is an outdoor grow, in a fairly sunny spot. I have not put any fertilizer yet, as the soil is very rich because it is in a forest. I just wanted to see what you guys think. There about 8 inches tall, and all green and healthy (hopefully). take a look at the pics, and tell me if you think if i can do anything better. Constructive criticism is always welcome:mrgreen:. thanks guys, take it easy!:blsmoke: btw i live in ontario canada



Well-Known Member
Get some nutes goin'!! You can see its a lil N deprived and you have a short season to gain size in veg!! Ph after you mix or if ou go orgainic use mycorr. fungi and lacto bacillus to speed assimulation of nutes. Some kelp wouln't be bad either. But find a feed schedule and get it goin friend!!
thanks fer the reply man, is fertilizer absolutely necessary though? i mean the plants green and healthy, and the soil is pretty good. When i was digging, the soil has dark and light colored dirt. Theres also alot of natural decomposition from the forest itself. its pretty fertile.


Active Member
Like mentioned you have to add nutes . Even if you used a nute enriched soil it still gets depleated pretty quickly ( 30 days or so for mine ) . This year I have started to use slow release nute pellets and there is no chance of nute burn so I am told !! Your plant looks a little yellow , take it as a SIGN and add the appropiate juice than reap the rewards , your choice though .


Well-Known Member
I agree that your plant looks like it could use a bit of N, but I disagree with the statement that no matter the soil nutes are a necessity.

Think about nutrients as a way to help the plant reach it's full potential, not a means of pushing it into producing more. Vitamins, not steroids ;)


Well-Known Member
I agree that your plant looks like it could use a bit of N, but I disagree with the statement that no matter the soil nutes are a necessity.

Think about nutrients as a way to help the plant reach it's full potential, not a means of pushing it into producing more. Vitamins, not steroids ;)
WHAT HE SAID :joint:
thanks everybody for your suggestions. im gonna go take a look at the faqs, see wuts the best for fertilizer. any suggestions? thanks again:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I use fox farm grow big and im pretty happy with the results. My ladies are 2 1/2 moths old and are 4ft tall. Also make sure to use some flower nutes too... Good luck bro, hope harvest time will be plentyful!


has anyone had an issue with bugs while growing outdoors, if so what should be done to prevent this?


that looks exactly like 3 of my outdoor plants i have, i noticed yours is growing 3 fingered leaves to


Well-Known Member
Not sure about the 3 leaf thing but one of my plants has only 4 leaves on a cuple branches. Guess its okay to only have a cuple leaves tho.. just a abnormality i think. I use dial soap to keep the deer away, just cut it up into a cuple chunks and throw it around them (not too close, dont want soap soakin into the roots when it rains!) and even take a piss sumwhere around there, deer hate any kind of human scent.
hey chitown, you think its alright to have the 3 leaves? i thought it was kinda weird too, looking at the pictures of other peoples plants. btw i was just wondering, like i said in my first post, the plants about 8 inches tall, after 4 weeks from seed. is that unhealthy for the amount of time its had? or is that height about average. i know it depends on strain, but i hope its not stunted or anything.:cool: