First grow. OG Kush + White Widow.


Active Member
Ordered some white widow from seed boutique about a week ago. Should be here in the next few days. Until then i got some OG Kush seeds to get started. Got em from my dealer for free. 5 in total, but one is tiny and white, so nowhere near viable. Other four are big with tiger stripes so I just put em in to germinate :bigjoint::smile:

I'll be growing 2-3 plants at a time with a 150w HPS, and 6 CFL's. There's a nice set up in the corner of my closet, that runs about 83 degrees with the lights on, and two fans. (Hopefully next week when the heat wave is gone, it will be closer to the 76-78 range)

Wish me luck :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
Quick update. I got my seeds, and they came with a freebie 5 packs of mazar i shariff. I put that in too germinate along with 2 OG kush seeds, and 2 WW.

So far the mazar i shariff has sprouted, and been planted in soil, and 1 ww and one mazar i sharif have sprouted. I'll post pics if and when they sprout soil. :weed::weed:


Active Member
Ok so we're up to all five seeds cracking. That makes for two white widow, two OG kush, and 1 freebie mazar i sharif.

I was worried about the soil I put the mazar i sharif in, because when i first watered it didnt seem to hold the water well. I guess it was just dry from storage, because it's good and moist now, in the humidity dome. I dug up a little soil just to make sure the tap root was growing, and sure nuff it was a good inch or so long.

Regardless, I put the other four seeds in peat pellets to get them started, just because I think they'll get an easier start in there. I'm going away for the weekend, so they will be placed in the closet grow space, and hopefully we'll see some sprouts when i return on sunday :blsmoke::mrgreen::peace:

A good journal is nothing without pics so here ya go :mrgreen: Nothing interesting, but it a start, eh?

EDIT: Sorry they're so dark.



Active Member
Well we have 4 of 5 sprouted, and the last WW is weel on her way :mrgreen:

Lights came on about 45 minutes ago, revealing three new sprouts since last night. Mazar I sharif s strectching like a mo fo, so I put the plants closer to the light, and added some 13W CFLs (I know, pretty muh useless, but they're all I have on hand. they're not even 6500k) I think she's stetching so much because I wasn't here to turn the lights on for her as soon as she sprouted. She was a good two inches before I got home, and pale as a ghost. She greened up in about two hours after she got under that sweet 150 HPS.

One white widow got caught up under the soil as it sprouted, and I had to move away some dirt and free it up, because the stem came out, and bent around making a upside down U shape, then went back under the dirt.

I removed the humidity dome, and sprayed lightly with a mixture of PHd water, hydrogen peroxide, and super thrive, to give them a little boost, and help them transition from the high humidity. Temps about 83 with 42% humidity

Here they are as of 10 minutes ago. :blsmoke::mrgreen:



Active Member
So right now I'm working on light proofing the closet. Took kind of a ghetto approach to it, and just took some tape and and taped cardboard over all the cracks, from the inside. So far so good.

Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions :peace:


Active Member
Quick photo update. They're doing well, 4 of the 5 have their first textured leaves in and growing. The little runt of the bunch finally sprouted today, and is working on opening its leaves. (needed a bit of help getting the shell off, but seemed to really enjoy it once she was out in the open)
Averages about 81 degrees, and 35% humidity. Been spraying them lightly to help them with humidity, and they have been watered once. I transplanted the ones in peat pellets into cups. Had an accident and broke a tiny bit of root off one of the white widows (number four) but it hasnt affected her, and she's actually the strongest looking of the bunch =]

Here they are in order. 1. Mazar i shariff. (sorry bout the angle) 2. OG Kush. 3. WW(the runt) 4. WW and 5. OG kush

Lets hear some feedback!

