First Grow: Mystery Purps


Well-Known Member
I had been seeing a lot of baggies of two different strains of purple walking past and happened to find a few seeds in them. I don't know what strains they are. If all goes well I will expand. For now, closet.bongsmilie

The one on the right in the second picture and the left in the third picture are 3 weeks old. They were under daylight for just over a week when they germinated. The smaller two are almost 2 weeks old. They were under these floros since germination. Unfortunately, I kept the floros too far from the plants for these weeks.

I started them in MG seed sprouting soil. I have since moved them to bigger pots and changed to MG potting soil with added pumice and one inch rocks at the bottom. Picture four. One of them had an accident during transplant. I don't want to explain.

From the start I have been watering them with tap water.

Pictures five to seven are the healthy youngins at about 3 weeks, just after transplant.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
advise for the tap water, i use tap also, but here, the chlorine is kinda strong so i let the water sit in the container for 30 mins to an hour to let the chlorine evaporate making the water pH closer to 7.


Well-Known Member
Pics from today. I started tying them down. I plan to grow them in circles around the pots, then let them grow upwards. Once they finish going around the pot once I will start flowering. Hopefully getting some CFLs today. Comments?



Well-Known Member
Those pics are of the plants at four weeks.

It's not too early to be bending them is it?


Well-Known Member
hmm 4 weeks.. thats even longer than mine took to grow that size.. they seem small.. as for bending.. i have no idea.. should be interesting


Well-Known Member
Yeah, either I stunted them when they were little or they are all dwarfs.:-?

I just picked up a 400w HPS. I realized I really want to have a large yield. I paid $243 for the GE bulb, a silver bat wing, and a ballast. Was that a good price?

I know floros should be only a couple inches form the tops of the plants, but how high should I keep my HPS? You can see the fan I have right next to it, but it is in a closet. It'll get a little warm during the day.

Time to bust out Medusa.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Are u sure there not 4 days old ? mine are 27 days old,1 day from 4 weeks. And there 12 times the size of yours .Just wondering,theres no way they can be 4 weeks old check my journal,and that 27 days is from the first day i put the seeds in a paper towell to germinate


Well-Known Member
If we're talking since I put them in wet paper towels it's been over 4 weeks. I was thinking when I dropped them in soil. I guess I stunted them pretty bad.:cry:


Well-Known Member
Finally got a ph tester. My ph is close to 8. Think that's the reason they are so stunted?


Well-Known Member
I'm tempted to hit up Nirvana for some seeds and just scrap these little guys. Then again, I am curious what's going to happen to them.:?


Well-Known Member
My HPS was a little too low still (height shown in last pic) and a few leaves have burn marks, but the plants are loving the extra light otherwise. One has stretched its leaves uwpards. Not sure why. I moved the light up another 6" this morning. Pics tonight. :joint: :peace:


Active Member
I'm tempted to hit up Nirvana for some seeds and just scrap these little guys. Then again, I am curious what's going to happen to them.:?
Are those bagseed? It`s strange that they havent grown more in 4 weeks.. How is your airflow, humidity and temp-situation?? I`m on my 4th week also and mine have 6-8 internodes allready... I would`nt kill them nontheless, you could atleast get some good experience from watching these. And they might just perk up eventually.. Good luck!!


Well-Known Member

My airflow isn't that good. The closet only gets opened a few times a day, but there is a fan in there. Every few days I am able to leave the closet open, the room open, and a window in the room open for a few hours.

The temps are probably slightly too high at times. Will get a thermometer soon.

They are bagseed.

No idea what the humidity is.

Changed my mind about bending them.

At least adding that 400w hps helped.:)

Here are pics from just now. Sorry I couldn't get some the other night.

Trimmed a leaf on this one cause it had been burnt by the light...



Well-Known Member
i think most people start counting the days once they are above ground not when they start germing which is why your dates sound off. how long were they germing before you dropped them in soil?

i agree w/ cheemp, let em grown and learn from these then do another run with some known seeds. you went balls out with the lights but dont have a thermometer or seeds, lol, kinda opposite of what new growers usually do.

good luck with the grow.


Well-Known Member
take a look at my journal i ended up scrapping 15 seedlings and kept a couple they grew super slow to start (i think my temps might also have been to high) but the few that made it through look GREAT now so i wouldnt scrap those lil guys just yet, def get a thermometer and a ph tester if you can get the temps down to around 70 f your plants will love you .. mine love me so much more now :) and no nutes... cant remember off the top of my head if you said you were using any yet <-- not just a plug.. i actually had some really slow growth and was getting frustrated by everyone talking about how big there seedling was at only 2 weeks etc..
i was moving my light up and down adding things takin things away etc

oh and if you trim leaves it WILL slow the growth down as it tries to heal

...and a fan... you have a fan right get a light breeze on those seedlings it'll strengthen the stems up


Well-Known Member
Ha for sure. I'm on most of that.

I have a fan in there on the medium setting.

I have a ph tester. Shows my water has a ph of almost 8.

Someone I read posts from said there wasn't actually a problem with ph, but that was about hydro. I believed him completely, but I'm not sure if it applies to soil too.

I will let them grow. I am attached to them as my first plants.:bigjoint:

They all started to peek out of their shells within two days and I stuck them in small pots with seed starting soil for about 2 1/2 weeks then dropped them in the pots they are in now. Thursday will be 5 weeks if counting from when I took them out of the paper towel. 2 1/2 weeks if counting from when I put them in permanent pots (don't worry I know to change soil.)

I haven't started any nutes. The soil obviously has same though. Just don't know how much of what.

I figured growth would slow a little when I cut that leaf, but I was hoping it would do more good than harm.:peace:

Will get a thermometer soon.

Took a look at your grow cbraaszsy. Sweet...I feel inspired.:mrgreen:


Active Member
what kind of lights are those just wondering first timer growin 2 bagseed plants 1 week with flouros and they doin better then i thoought


Well-Known Member
I was under the two floros, one warm one cool. I didn't appreciate the growth rate so I switched to a 400w hps. It's much better.:blsmoke:

Right on with the bagseed! Have you started a journal? I would like to follow your grow.