first grow my girl is dying on me please helppp


New Member
An auto strain.
9 days sins sprouting.

watered it yesterday with 250ml of tap water that sat 26 hours and 6.0 PH.
with about 0.25ml rootjuice BioBizz
wake up next few hours later and see them looking bad... thats her today.

what is it????? tried comparing with every guide out there but just got me confused..

can anyone tell me what's going on and how can i save her??


Using nutes OP?

EDIT: I think it may be nute burn, those plants look to young for nutes I reckon.


Active Member
I see you are in cocco right? I have never tried growing in it but I can advise mixing nutrients by the gallon. This will give you a more consistent and not too strong formula.


New Member
actually that is soil.
u think its a nute burn? i dont know it doesnt look like it IMHO.
by looking at it, what do u think it is?


Your top growth looks good. Check ph and ppm runoff. If you dont have a meter, flush out and should be fine but get a meter which will keep you from scratching head more times than not.


Well-Known Member
when all else fails, back the light up some..
it will allow the roots to do work, when you water you don't want to overwater, but you also don't want to underwater and cause dry pockets. properly saturating the medium is important, which is why i start in small pots and work my way up. It allows me to drown the roots without worrying about it going stagnant
the soil there looks kind of barren
maybe consider getting a potting mix or making your own! plenty of good guides on here to making soil
make sure its not to cold, either


Well-Known Member
i dont know, it could be fragile. How are the temperatures in your room? it could be too cold in there
you need to gather more info like what type of soil, canopy temps, root temps, these usually will solve your problem as you tell us what you got.

i'd get some good soil if that is crap, im not sure, and take the plant out and take as much soil as you can off without disturbing the roots then go into the new pot.

how big is the pot your in by the way?
I hear most people do autos in their final pots because transplants seem to mess with them

oh yeah if you don't have a soil thermometer, you can somewhat govern root temperature by taking your canopy temp and your water temperature before you water to help make sure you're in the ballpark
if you water with 60 degree water and its an 80 degree room you're good
also if you water with 70 degree water and the room spikes to 50 at night you should be ok.
60-70 is temp of water you want to use
70-80 is canopy temp day target
10-15 degrees less , 60-70 degrees is target night temp.
some people use a soil thermometer and match the temp of their soil when they water

not saying this is the issue, could be soil or the nutes you gave it. just saying temperature is vital and you should be able to tell us it.


Well-Known Member
An auto strain.
9 days sins sprouting.

watered it yesterday with 250ml of tap water that sat 26 hours and 6.0 PH.
with about 0.25ml rootjuice BioBizz
wake up next few hours later and see them looking bad... thats her today.
View attachment 2932882View attachment 2932883

what is it????? tried comparing with every guide out there but just got me confused..

can anyone tell me what's going on and how can i save her??
Is this peat moss being used as a growing medium?. If so, you need to add dolomite lime for ph adjustment.


Active Member
Yes, most likely. You shouldn't feed seedlings for at least 3 weeks. The roots are sensitive to over fertilizing and over watering. Let them get established then you can start feeding 1/4 to 1/2 strength. Also when you do start feeding make sure to water twice in between feedings. This helps flush out unused nutrients.
actually that is soil.
u think its a nute burn? i dont know it doesnt look like it IMHO.
by looking at it, what do u think it is?


Active Member
Also your soil should be at least 20% perlite so it drains properly. Otherwise you will have a whole lot of issues after down the line. The key to soil is to properly prepare it before you plant. Look up a good soil mix and re-pot asap. I use Fox Farm Ocean Forest and it works well right out of the bag.


New Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]thanks everyone for the replies.

i dont really know what the root\canopy?\soil temp is but i can tell u that the avrage temp in the closet is around 29C at day and about 23C at dark.
the soil is pretty shitty.. keeps the water for days... that's why im asking if u think it will be okay to take her out carefully, clean the pot and change to fresh soil with perlite and plant her back in.??

thanks again EO!
that's why


Active Member
Yeah. It will help. Be careful when repotting. It's best to do it when soil is damp. Not wet. Use at least 2-3 gal pot.