First grow- male plants


Active Member
ive been working on my first grow for a few months now and currently in weed 3 of flower. being my first grow i started with just one plant but unfortunately it turned out to be a male. ive heard males contain some thc and not wanting to waste my only plant i was wondering what the best way to utilize this thc weather its hash, butter, or just smoking the flowers, idk. any help here would be awesome.


Well-Known Member
Personally I'd never smoke a male flower, never tried it cuz it just sounds like a major headache waitin to happen. Imo, the best use of the male would be found in makin hash from the leaves of the plant. Now u know not to start just one plant huh, lol. Get 2 or more goin and hope for some girls is what id do. If ur gonna grow out the male though, and u don't have a separate area/room(prefferably another area code) to grow it in, wait til it's finished to start again cuz ur gonna need to clean the shit outta ur grow space for the newbs. Any tiny bit of pollen floating through the air can ruin the next ones too, so clean everything reall good


Active Member
thanks a lot. should i wait till all the flowers open to start? and do i need to dry and cure anything before i make the hash. also what would be the best way to clean the growspace of all the pollen?


Well-Known Member
yep, I was foolish enough to try smoking a male plant - headache is guaranteed

I dunno how much hash you are going to make - last week I tried making hash out of 3 male plants, and... there was enough hash for 1 smoke - not even close to worth all the effort I got through

you need to dry it like you would dry a normal bud, but be careful not to over-dry it

for the pollen I dunno, I would wipe everything with bleach for example, it should pretty much kill anything, just make sure you protect yourself