First grow... light question


Active Member
what would be the best lighting for growing 8 plants in a closet 24in/24/in . I am growing bagseed under low cfl right now, but the plants look good in late vegetative state, but it hink i need more light to maximize the buds. however i dont have proper cooling besides fans and the A/C in my apartment. Should i just add more cfls or get a low cost hps?


Well-Known Member
Go to home depot and get the 70 watt hps fixture they sell in the secity lighting section and add it to the lights u already have in ur system. It puts out as many watts equivalant to some daddy 400-600 watts, they dont get as HOT, and u can keep them closer to keep ur plants more compact and full of nuggies.Heres some pics of some plants grown in the same identical situation.
Although best to get a daddy hps light, without pumping ac in, an extravagant filter and wind sytem,u will only be creating more problems to spend more money on for solutions.Keep it entirely simple, all u should be concerned about is lumens and whast practical for ur grow.U do already have a small fan in and keep ur door OPEN A LIL RIGHT? Anyhow checkum out

