First Grow La Diva looking great


Active Member Free La diva seed is looking good. Its been under a 2 foot x 4 bulb T5 with a mixed spec. of 2- 3000k and 2- 6500k bulbs. the light stays on 24 hrs a day and she goes on field trips outside 3 or 4 times a week. She is 37 days old.... here are a few pictures of her.Im building a retirement stash, Haven't partyed in 25 years and Wow does this smell bring back memories


Well-Known Member
I'm smoking my retirement stash!! Looks great I love my T5's for vegetive never flowered with them though! 37day's? with 30 day's of bud??????doesn't add up in my world!just saying......................


Active Member
Don't really know what that means, But at any rate I can't smoke for about another 18 months due to current job drug testing policies. I'm thinking that by turing out a couple of these a month, for the next 18 months, should yield enough for a nice retirement party.:-P