First Grow im a noob


Well-Known Member
Dude it looks like you did your studying! Keep up the good work and you will have top of the line bud.


Well-Known Member
Might wanna put an oscillating fan in tere.. builds em up like a bodybuilder.

Other than that, Looks great.

You've done your homework...It shows. +rep
get small fan in there at leaste 2 more cfl's in there the 6500k for veg and around 2500k for flowering. you can see sex a few weeks after u switch from 16-24 hrs of light to 12on 12 off. the plants look good a lil strechy though. more watts will help that. good luck
get small fan in there at leaste 2 more cfl's in there the 6500k for veg and around 2500k for flowering. you can see sex a few weeks after u switch from 16-24 hrs of light to 12on 12 off. the plants look good a lil strechy though. more watts will help that. good luck


they look good although i would recomend not using clear conatainers its bad for ur roots i have two white widow veg plants about the same size