First Grow - How's it lookin'?


Well-Known Member
Things are cruisin' right along, seem to be doing well. Although the top leaves look kinda 'wrinkly', and wondering if that's just normal? Other than that just need to rework my lighting to make it more adaptable to growing plant(s). Also picked up 3 more 26w cfl to add (if it's a girl).



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Well-Known Member
First pic is the 12/12 from seed, 2nd pic is the other one. Day 14 of 12/12. Neither showing sex yet.



Well-Known Member
Umm,, funny lights were actually on 19/5 and not 12/12 due to operator error in setting up the timer. hehe So, 12/12 begins TODAY!


Well-Known Member
Do both your pots have holes for drainage in the bottom? The plant that is green looks pretty good, maybe over watered a little, the other one that is yellowing is lacking Nitrogen. If you want a solid chemical fertilizer use schultz super bloom 10-60-10. Metanaturals 16-0-0 is a great organic N supplement but it's become hard to find & you would have to supplement it with a liquid bone meal 0-12-0.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, both pots have drain holes. The larger one was my first plant, and it shows. The smaller one was going to be a 12/12 from seed, but i'm doing much better with that one.

I'm using Jack's classic for nutes, cheap and obtained locally. But not understanding when and how much to feed led to the bigger plants problems. The day before I found the light issue, I did give them a little flowering nutes, but it doesn't appear to be any problems from that, yet.

Here's some fresh pics from this am. 1&2 are the youngest, 3&4 are the oldest.


Well-Known Member
hey bro. they looking good thou. what exactly is the NPk of the jack nutes? and as for the not showing sex it can take a few weeks to show. patience is key. and if they on 12/12 stop the grow nutes all together and use the schultz. look to me like they getting to much nitro than not enough. but they do look a hella lot better in the last pic bro keep it up


Well-Known Member
They only got one dose of veg. nutes, and I think it was too hot. (20-20-20 Jack's Classic). I did recently hit them with a small dose of flowering nutes. Getting a handle on things I think.

It has been showing preflowers for 2 days now (day 9 of 12/12) and today, a few hairs poking out! :) Not totally breaking out the cigars yet though, as some of the preflowers have a 'claw-like' appearance. (male tendencies?) See how things develop over the next couple of days.

Not a great pic, but you can see those sexy hairs!



Well-Known Member
Lots of white hairs poking out. :mrgreen: Today growth BLEW UP! Had the lights about 1"-2" away this morning , after a watering and this evening they grew into the lights. Still a few questionable flowers yet not showing hairs, but they are lower and not getting a lot of light.

The second plant wasn't topped and is going to cause me problems real soon. :-| Still not showing sex on that one. Thinking of pulling it as I would totally need to rework my lights for one short lst bush and one tall (if it's a female). I'm running out of depth as well in my cabinet (18").

BUT, as happy as a fat kid in a candy store nonetheless. Good problem to have I guess.

Fresh pics tomorrow! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Pics 1&2 are of the youngest (with kitty enjoying the smell), with 3&4 being Charlize, my lady (pretty damn sure). :weed: With the last being a pic of them soaking up the rays from the cfl's. This is so fuckin' fun! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks Weedoozie! LST is pretty sweet, just wish I had more front to back space in there. 18" is gone quick! If that second one is a male, that'll open up room for Charlize.

So, yesterday, why'll hosting my lights up, the rope broke and the lights smashed the plants. Split Charlize right down the middle, about 1/2"-3/4" slice! :evil: I went into panic mode (lol), used a pipe cleaner first and tied her up, then used string. Seems to be just fine, she's still lookin' good.

LST'd the other one down to the same height. Hoping it'll show soon. :peace:IMG_2042.jpg IMG_2045.jpgIMG_2048.jpgIMG_2050.jpg


Well-Known Member
Second plant is showing hairs. :) Air conditioner went out today which i'm not happy about. Hate to have to ditch the grow. Sooner they can swap it out the better, they starting to get stinky!


Well-Known Member
rsharp, ya made my day! :peace:

Charlize is doing well. She's flowering, although slowly. Don't think she liked having the light dropped on her awhile back and that slowed her down, but progressing none the less.

#2 is more of an experiment at this point, as there ain't alot of room in the cab for 2 plants really, at least without seriously reworking my lighting. So I been thinning her out a bit, need it to take up less room.

Pics are of Charlize :weed: